Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia (2024)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Characteristics (Japanese: 個性 individuality) are a feature in the Pokémon games, introduced in Generation IV. A Pokémon's Characteristic indicates which stat contains a Pokémon's highest IV. It is displayed on the Pokémon's summary screen where its Nature, date met, place met, and flavor preferenceDPPt are shown.

A Pokémon's Characteristic is determined by the remainder of its highest IV divided by 5 (known as modulo operation in programming). Since it is built this way, Pokémon transferred from the games of Generation III via Pal Park have a Characteristic without their stats being changed.

List of Characteristics

Possible Individual ValuesHPAttackDefenseSpeedSpecial AttackSpecial Defense
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30Loves to eatProud of its powerSturdy bodyLikes to runHighly curiousStrong willed
1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31Takes plenty of siestasVI+
Often dozes offIV-V
Likes to thrash aboutCapable of taking hitsAlert to soundsMischievousSomewhat vain
2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27Nods off a lotVI+
Often scatters thingsIV-V
A little quick temperedHighly persistentImpetuous and sillyThoroughly cunningStrongly defiant
3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28Scatters things oftenLikes to fightGood enduranceSomewhat of a clownOften lost in thoughtHates to lose
4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29Likes to relaxQuick temperedGood perseveranceQuick to fleeVery finickySomewhat stubborn

Note that having a certain Characteristic does not necessarily imply that the highest possible value for an IV is present. A Pokémon with an "Alert to sounds" Characteristic could have a 6 in Speed (and thus very low IVs across all of its stats since none could be higher than 6) instead of a 31 in Speed.


In Generations IV and V, two of the Characteristics were not properly translated from the Japanese releases. The HP Characteristics corresponding to IVs of 1 and 2 were accidentally replaced by the Characteristics corresponding to IVs of 2 and 3, respectively. So, rather than the HP Characteristics being ordered "Takes plenty of siestas", "Nods off a lot" (i.e., "Often dozes off"), and "Scatters things often" as they should have been, they were ordered "Often dozes off", "Often scatters things", "Scatters things often" (note that the last two are different, but only trivially).


In the event of a tie in highest IVs, the IV that determines the Pokémon's Characteristic is decided in the following manner:

Start with the Pokémon's personality value (Generation IV and V) or encryption constant (Generation VI). Take that value modulo 6. The result is an index number of a stat in this order: HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defense. In the event of a tie in IVs, the first IV checked is the IV corresponding to that index number. If that IV is not part of the tie, the game moves on to the next index number in the aforementioned order. If it goes past 5 (Special Defense), it wraps around back to 0 (HP). When the game finds an IV that is part of the tie, that is the IV that will determine the Characteristic displayed.

Because of this ordered method of checking the IVs, if two tied stats are directly next to each other in the index (for example Attack (1) and Defense (2)), the one with the lower index number (Attack in this case) determines the Pokémon’s Characteristic for 5/6 of all personality values/encryption constants, because if the modulo value lands on any other index number, it will always tick around to the lower index number first.

  • Due to the wraparound, Special Defense behaves the same way with HP.
  • The possible Characteristics are only weighted equally if the tied stats are spaced evenly across the stat index:
    • For two tied stats, the tied stats must be 3 apart, for example HP (0) and Speed (3).
    • For three tied stats, the tied stats must be 2 apart, for example Attack (1), Speed (3) and Special Defense (5).
    • For four or five tied stats, it is impossible for the possible Characteristics to be weighted equally.
    • For six tied stats, the possible Characteristics are always weighted equally.


A Mudkip has the following IVs:

Hit PointsAttackDefenseSpeedSp. AttackSp. Defense

Since its highest IV is 29 in Speed, its Characteristic will be "Quick to flee."

A Ditto has the following IVs and a personality value of 1467750821 in base 10:

Hit PointsAttackDefenseSpeedSp. AttackSp. Defense

Since its highest IV is 17 in both Speed and Special Attack, the result of 1467750821 mod 6, or 5, is used to check against the IV in Special Defense. Since the Special Defense is not part of the tie, the game moves on and wraps back until it reaches Speed, which is part of the tie. Its Characteristic will be "Impetuous and silly."

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Since the , the Characteristics of each Pokédex holder's Pokémon have been visible on their bios.

In other languages

ChineseCantonese個性 Gosing
Mandarin個性 / 个性 Gèxìng
ItalianTratti unici
Korean개성 Gaeseong
Portuguese BrazilPersonalidade

Specific Characteristics

English Kana Rōmaji French German Italian Spanish Hangul Romanized Hànzì Romanized
A little quick temperedちょっと 怒りっぽいChotto okorippoiUn peu coléreuxBesitzt TemperamentSi arrabbia facilmenteA veces se enfada약간 화를 잘 내는 성미임Yaggan hwareul jal naen-eun seongmi-im有點容易生氣 / 有点容易生气Yǒudiǎn róngyì shēngqì / Yáuhdím yùhngyih sāanghei
Alert to sounds物音に 敏感Mono'oto ni binkanAttentif aux sonsAchtet auf GeräuscheFa attenzione ai suoniSiempre tiene el oído alerta주위 소리에 민감함Juwi sorie mingamham對聲音敏感 / 对声音敏感Duì shēngyīn mǐngǎn / Deui sēngyām máhngám
Capable of taking hits打たれ強いUtare zuyoiSait encaisser les coupsKann Treffer gut verkraftenIncassa bene i colpiEs un buen fajador맷집이 강함Maesjip-i gangham抗打能力強 / 抗打能力强Kàng dǎ nénglì qiáng / Kong dā nàhnglihk geuhng
Good endurance辛抱強いShinbō zuyoiBonne enduranceHat eine gute AusdauerÈ molto pazienteSe caracteriza por ser muy resistente인내심이 강함Innaesim-i gangham能吃苦耐勞 / 能吃苦耐劳Néng chīkǔ nàiláo / Nàhng gātfú noihlòuh
Good perseverance我慢強いGaman zuyoiPersévérantIst beharrlichÈ molto tenaceEs muy perseverante잘 참음Jal cham-eum善於忍耐 / 善于忍耐Shànyú rěnnài / Sihnyū yánnoih
Hates to lose負けず嫌いMakezu giraiA horreur de perdreHasst NiederlagenNon sopporta perdereOdia perder지기 싫어함Jigi sir-eoham不服輸 / 不服输Bù fúshū / Bāt fuhksyū
Highly curious好奇心が 強いKōkishin ga tsuyoiExtrêmement curieuxIst sehr neugierigÈ un grande ficcanasoEs extremadamente curioso호기심이 강함Hogisim-i gangham好奇心強 / 好奇心强Hàoqí xīnqiáng / Hóugēi sāmgeuhng
Highly persistent粘り強いNebari zuyoiTrès obstinéIst äußerst ausdauerndÈ molto ostinatoEs muy persistente끈질김Kkeunjilgim頑強不屈 / 顽强不屈Wánqiáng bùqū / Wàahngeuhng bātwāt
Impetuous and sillyおっちょこちょいOtchokochoiBête et impulsifIst ungestüm und einfältigÈ irruente e sempliceResulta algo impetuoso y bobo촐랑대는 성격임Chollangdaeneun seonggyeok-im冒冒失失Màomàoshīshī / Mahkmahksātsāt
Likes to fightケンカを するのが 好きKenka o suru no ga sukiAime combattreLiebt KämpfeAdora lottareLe gusta luchar싸움을 좋아함Ssaum-eul jo-aham喜歡打架 / 喜欢打架Xǐhuān dǎjià / Héifūn dāgá
Likes to relaxのんびりするのが 好きNonbiri suru no ga sukiAime se détendreMag es, sich zu entspannenAdora rilassarsiLe gusta relajarse유유자적함을 좋아함Yuyujajeokham-eul jo-aham喜歡悠然自在 / 喜欢悠然自在Xǐhuān yōurán zìzài / Héifūn yàuhyìhn jihjoih
Likes to run駆けっこが 好きKakekko ga sukiAime courirLiebt es zu rennenAdora correreLe gusta correr약간 우쭐쟁이임Yaggan ujjuljaeng-iim喜歡比誰跑得快 / 喜欢比谁跑得快Xǐhuān bǐ shuí pǎo dé kuài / Héifūn béi sèuih páau dāk faai
Likes to thrash about暴れることが 好きAbareru koto ga sukiAime se démenerPrügelt sich gernAdora dimenarsiLe gusta revolverse난동부리기를 좋아함Nandong buligileul jo-aham喜歡胡鬧 / 喜欢胡闹Xǐhuān húnào / Héifūn wùhnaauh
Loves to eat食べるのが 大好きTaberu no ga daisukiAdore mangerLiebt es zu essenAdora mangiareLe encanta comer먹는 것을 제일 좋아함Meogneun geos-eul je-il jo-aham非常喜歡吃東西 / 非常喜欢吃东西Fēicháng xǐhuān chī dōngxī / Fēisèuhng héifūn gāt dūngsāi
Mischievousイタズラが 好きItazura ga sukiCoquinIst hinterhältigÈ alquanto vivaceLe gusta hacer travesuras장난을 좋아함Jangnan-eul joaham喜歡惡作劇 / 喜欢恶作剧Xǐhuān èzuòjù / Héifūn ngokjokkehk
Nods off a lot居眠りが 多いInemuri ga ōiDort beaucoupSchläft gernDorme a lungoDuerme mucho말뚝잠이 많음Malttugjam-i man-eum常常打瞌睡Chángcháng dǎ kēshuì / Sèuhngsèuhng dā hahpseuih
Often lost in thought考え事が 多いKangae goto ga ōiSouvent dans la luneIst oft in GedankenSi perde nel suo mondoA menudo está en Babia걱정거리가 많음Geogjeong-georiga man-eum經常思考 / 经常思考Jīngcháng sīkǎo / Gīngsèuhng sīháau
Proud of its power力が 自慢Chikara ga jimanEst fier de sa puissanceIst stolz auf seine StärkeLa forza è il suo vantoEstá orgulloso de su fuerza힘자랑이 특기임Himjalang-i teug-giim以力氣大為傲 / 以力气大为傲Yǐ lìqì dà wéi'ào / Yíh lihkhei daaih wàih'ngouh
Quick tempered血の気が 多いChinoke ga ōiS'emporte facilementIst impulsivÈ facilmente irritabileTiene mal genio혈기가 왕성함Hyeolgiga wangseongham血氣方剛 / 血气方刚Xuèqì fānggāng / Hyuthei fōnggōng
Quick to flee逃げるのが はやいNigeru no ga hayaiFuit rapidementFlüchtet schnellSa fuggire velocementeHuye rápido도망에는 선수임Domang-eneun seonsu-im逃得快Táo dé kuài / Tòuh dāk faai
Scatters things oftenものを よく 散らかすMono o yokuchira kasuÉparpille des chosesMacht oft UnordnungLascia cose in giroSuele desordenar cosas물건을 잘 어지름Mulgeon-eul jal eojireum經常亂扔東西 / 经常乱扔东西Jīngcháng luànrēng dōngxī / Gīngsèuhng lyuhnyìhng dūngsāi
Somewhat of a clownすこし お調子者Sukoshi otchōshimonoAime faire le pitreIst ein bisschen albernÈ una specie di buffoneEs un poco payaso약간 우쭐쟁이임Yag-gan u-jjuljaeng-iim有點容易得意忘形 / 有点容易得意忘形Yǒudiǎn róngyì déyìwàngxíng / Yáuhdím yùhngyih dākyimòhngyìhng
Somewhat stubbornちょっぴり 強情Choppiri gōjōAssez entêtéIst dickköpfigÈ un po' testardoEs un poco cabezota조금 고집통이임Jogeum gojibtong-iim有一點點固執 / 有一点点固执Yǒu yīdiǎndiǎn gùzhí / Yáuh yātdímdím gujāp
Somewhat vainちょっぴり みえっぱりChoppiri mieppariUn peu vaniteuxIst etwas eitelÈ abbastanza superficialeEs algo orgulloso조금 겉치레를 좋아함Jogeum geotchirereul jo-aham有一點點愛慕虛榮 / 有一点点爱慕虚荣Yǒu yīdiǎndiǎn àimùxūróng / Yáuh yātdímdím ngoimouhhēuiwìhng
Strong willed気が 強いKi ga tsuyoiTrès volontaireBesitzt einen starken WillenSa il fatto suoSe distingue por ser muy voluntarioso기가 센 성격임Giga sen seong-gyeog-im性格強勢 / 性格强势Xìnggé qiángshì / Singgaak geuhngsai
Strongly defiant負けん気が 強いMakenki ga tsuyoiEsprit rebelleIst sehr aufsässigÈ molto insolenteEs muy insolente오기가 센 성격임Ogiga sen seong-gyeog-im爭強好勝 / 争强好胜Zhēng qiáng hàoshèng / Chāang geuhng hóusīng
Sturdy body体が 丈夫Karada ga jōbuCorps robusteHat einen robusten KörperHa un corpo robustoSe caracteriza por su cuerpo resistente몸이 튼튼함Mom-i teunteunham身體強壯 / 身体强壮Shēntǐ qiángzhuàng / Gyūntái geuhngjong
Takes plenty of siestas昼寝を よくするHirune o yoku suruS'assoupit souventNickt oft einSi addormenta spessoA menudo se duerme낮잠을 잘 잠Naj-jam-eul jal jam經常睡午覺 / 经常睡午觉Jīngcháng shuì wǔjiào / Gīngsèuhng seuih nghgaau
Thoroughly cunning抜け目が ないNukeme ga naiTrès astucieuxIst äußerst gerissenÈ estremamente sagaceEs muy astuto빈틈이 없음Binteum-i eobs-eum做事萬無一失 / 做事万无一失Zuòshì wànwúyīshī / Jouhsih maahnmòuhyātsāt
Very finickyとても きちょうめんTotemo kichōmenTrès particulierIst sehr pedantischÈ molto esigenteEs muy melindroso매우 꼼꼼함Maeu kkomkkomham一絲不苟 / 一丝不苟Yīsībùgǒu / Yātsībātgáu
Pokémon individuality

LevelStatsFriendshipGenderAbility (Hidden Ability) • NatureCharacteristic
Effort valuesIndividual valuesGo PowerEffort level

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.

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Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.