Faith. - Chapter 1 - DesuVult123 (2024)

Chapter Text

"Please be ok! Ruby!? Are you ok!?" Jaune asked as he looked down at the bleeding girl. Ruby Rose was not looking her best. Two legs bent and broken far beyond recognition as Jaune gulped.

"Come on! Come on! Please be ok, you just have to!" The boy yelled as Ruby gasped her pained short breaths came out in rough wheezy whimpers as Jaune finally! Got one wound to stop bleeding.

"Ok! Ok! I know that this looks bad but you are going to be ok! You have to be ok!" Jaune said as the rain splattered the cave entrance. This was a disaster. Ruby injured the rest of RWBY JNPR and now Jaune was alone with Ruby.

The girl was not looking well and if Jaune had any medical inclination she was going to die soon.

"Jaune... I don't feel too good.' Ruby said weakly her eyes shut tight. Jaune rubbed the top of her head, she was not going to make it.

"f*ck! f*ck! f*ck! f*ck! f*ck me! What am I going to do!?" Jaune hissed their scrolls were dead, they were far away from their friends and now? Now it looked like Ruby was not going to make it.

"Don't worry Ruby, I won't leave you!" Jaune felt the rain fall down from the top of the cave, both of them were soaked to the bone and it was not looking well. They were shivering in the heat of the small campfire and Jaune was furiously checking his scroll.

"Goddammit! These things are waterlogged!" Jaune hissed as he looked down at the scroll. The thing was dark as the sky and soaking with water. Ruby was breathing slower and slower into the air. Her silver eyes opened once as Jaune saw the pain in her face.

For a soft moment, Jaune felt vindication at her pain. Jaune felt good that Ruby was in pain. Almost like a type of vengeance in his blood was up.

Jaune squashed the feeling as soon as it emerged.

Ruby is my friend! Sure she's like the rest in how she thinks but she's always treated me well! Jaune gulped as he fell down. He pushed his hands into Ruby's legs and began to force his aura into them.

"I won't let you die. Not today." Jaune hissed as he began to feed aura into Ruby. Jaune hated to do this. Jaune hated to do this using his semblance.

Jaune pushed his aura into her using his semblance. Jaune hated the fact that he had a healing semblance. It was a well-kept secret from everyone. People thought that a male hunter would back down and drop out after the first week.

Not that he would survive a whole year in Beacon and get closer to meeting his second year in Beacon. Jaune gulped as he saw Ruby blush her chest began to rise again in an almost healthy looking manner as she took in a harsh gasp of air as she let out a pained whimper. Her legs began to fix themselves as she began to heal.

"There you go you are going to make it. I won't let you go." Jaune hissed as he put his aura into Ruby. She whimpered and moaned as her bones were knit. Her broken limbs were reset as Ruby gasped loudly.

"Jaune? What are you doing?" Ruby asked, her silver eyes fluttering. She was so close to the brink of death but Jaune took a deep breath as he gave her a soft smile and pushed his hands in deeper to her wound.

"Assisting." Jaune hissed as he put his hands on Ruby's leg. Ruby looked up to Jaune. She was getting better but Jaune needed her to get better.

"I won't let you die, Ruby. I got you...' Jaune said as he gripped her hand making sure that she was not going to die because of one Ursa.

"You won't die today. Not on my watch."


"Dead... she's actually dead." Yang looked down as she felt her shoulders sag. Yang felt her head drop as she finally came to the shattering conclusion that Ruby was dead.

"Yang. It's going to be ok." Blake put a hand on her partner's shoulder. She knew Yang was taking the nest that the search for Ruby and Jaune had been called off with less than a good reception.

"Ruby... maybe she is ok?" Blake asked half wincing knowing that there was no way that Ruby was ok but she was going to do her best at keeping her spirits up even if it was going to be impossible.

"You saw her! Her legs got snapped in two! There is no way she is ok. She cant' fight without them Blake! I can't... I can't see how she would survive it."

"I... she was with Jaune..." Blake said as Yang's eyes flashed red. She had always had an odd relationship with Jaune. Jaune and Yang’s relationship if you could call it that had not been an antagonistic one but it was not friendly.

She thought it was cute that Jaune was trying to be a hunter. She knew that her dad had tried and if not for getting two females pregnant he might have just been one of the few males to fully make it before being dragged back to the home but Tai was strong.

He could according to Yang and Ruby stand up to any woman toe to toe and come out on top. But Jaune? Jaune could barely last a minute in the arena let alone take on a woman in an actual fight.

His only redeeming quality was the fact that he had a much larger aura pool than others and the fact that he was also one of the lucky men to be put on a team with over competent women.

His partner was f*cking Pyrrha Nikos for Goddess's sake! How much more luckier can you get?

"He's dead Blake. If Ruby is dead then so is Jaune. And if she is dead and he is not dead? Then I am going to make him wish that he was dead." Yang hissed as Blake shook her head.

"Yang, you know that Jaune would have died to save Ruby. He would not abandon her. He almost got killed trying to get to her. He's not going to leave her behind..."

'I... f*ck... I know I just... she's my sister! And my mom can't even make a portal to her? Blake, she's dead... and... I hope Jaune is not. Me and him never were great friends. I mean he wanted to be a hunter! Him!? Did you see him fight!?"

"He never was trained, Yang. He was the affirmative hunter."

"Stupid law. All it does is let people get themselves and maybe others killed."

"I know that but you have to get out of the room. Weiss is still not going to talk to either of us during this. Pyrrha is breaking every training robot and I think Nora just broke Carlisha's legs."

"Wow, took her long enough to do that."

"Right? I was debating it but she got to her first."

"Damn bully she got what she deserved. I didn't want Jaune here either but I didn't beat his ass out of the arena either." Yang spat as she gulped.

"I... f*ck a drink sounds good you in?'

"You had me a drink," Yang said as she sighed. She shook her head as-

Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Yang! YANG! YANG!" Nora's voice sounded from the other part of the door as Yang paused.

"Nora? What's the problem?"

"Yang! They found them! They are alive!"


"If you do not mind telling me... what exactly happened out there?" Opal asked as Jaune coughed. He had barely dragged Ruby back into the Beacon infirmary, the young reaper had not taken well to his healing.

Even though she had healed well she was still not in her best shape.

Ruby had taken the healing but she did not take it well.

When I first did it I thought my bones would break out of my skin.

Jaune winced as Opal smiled down at him. Jaune felt the kind old woman's hand touch him as she coughed.

"You can take all the time that you want," Opal said as she sighed.

"It's not that, but... it was just a long time."

"Two weeks," Glynda said as she sighed as she looked down at a piece of paper. She looked down at it as she frowned downwardly.

"You survived for over two weeks in the wild? Just you and Miss Rose? Please, I do not mean to sound rude but do tell me how you survived?" Glynda asked, narrowing her eyes. She did not want to sound rude but this! This was something that should have been impossible.

"Glynda. Jaune has just gone through serious trauma. He does not need to see an instructor questioning him for this." Opal said while Glynda paused she narrowed her eyes once before pinching her nose once.

She did not want to doubt it staying alive that long was a miracle but it was just so not possible! The odds of them surviving was nearly impossible! Glynda was a woman of science! Of logica and practicality and this? Sure she believed in miracles but… This was just too much to believe, even for her.

I don't want to sound bad... but I just don't think I can consider this!

"I was stuck with Ruby in the woods and I was able to save her..." Jaune said not looking up to meet either of their eyes as Opal gave him a comforting nod.

"Yes, but how did you save her? You two were alone with no medicine, no options of treatment, how did you heal two broken legs with no medicine?" Opal asked not sure how to go about asking him how he pulled off a miracle with no hope of success.

"I... I pushed aura into her?"

"Jaune you claimed to have saved someone with no ways of doing that!"

"I... I put aura into her?" Jaune asked as Glynda frowned.

"Jaune how did you do that? I know what you did but how?"

"Glynda we can talk about that later. Jaune needs to simply tell us the minimum." Opal said as Glynda sighed.

"Sure... I am sorry I didn't mean to pry. Go on, Mister Arc take your time."

"I... It's like I said I put my aura into Ruby and she lived. I don't know much more besides that."

"Well whether you know exactly how it happened or not is irrelevant I am just happy that you are alive and Miss Rose is also. You will be sure to have earned her thanks." Opal said as Glynda nodded she really was putting too much into this. Jaune saved Ruby, that was all that mattered.

What does the how matter when she is alive? Glynda thought as she flicked her clipboard.

"You are on bed rest for a week. After that, your training is back to its regularly scheduled rate. Thank you for saving her life Jaune. I am glad you are in Beacon." Glynda said smiling at Jaune for what might have been the first time in her life.

She gave Jaune an honest smile that made the boy cough and flushed as Opal finally got up.

"Now I will see Miss Rose. I hope she is ok..."


"Ruby! I love you!"

"Yang! Wait! Stop! You are choking me!" Ruby gagged as Yang wrapped her in a bear hug. Yang could not keep her arms off her sister. She had been hugging her for five minutes and she would not stop now.

"You are alive?! I thought I lost you! Mom thought she lost you! Aunt Raven could not open a portal to you! What happened to you!?"

"I... I don't know... I was hurt badly then I remember Jaune carrying me somewhere and then after that, I don't know... I woke up in a cave and then I was better? I don't know what happened to me but apparently, Jaune saved my life!" Ruby said smiling as Yang paused, she looked Ruby up and down not sure what to say. She was still crying over her sibling and-

"He... he saved you huh?"

"Yeah! He really saved my life!"

"Well, I think that I just have to pay him a visit then," Yang said, her eyes dropping low as Ruby glared.

"Hey! Don't bully my friend!"

"I'm not! I'm just... I have to say something."

'Huh? Like what?"

"I just... I just have to say something to him ok?" Yang asked, flushed she coughed once before she rubbed Ruby on her neck.

"I am just happy to have you ok? You are all that I need and I want to keep you safe Ruby. I love you ok?"

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks, Yang, and please. Don't make fun of Jaune too much. He's a good guy. And a good friend and I don't have many of those here." Ruby said, looking down her eyes downcast as Yang sighed.

"You have Weiss?"

"Do I?"

"No... I guess not."


Jaune had to admit that saving Ruby's life had earned him some kind of status at Beacon. Mainly people not believing that a male had saved a woman's life and that not only had he saved Ruby's life she had been almost unharmed along with him. Something he was proud of.

"So! Tell me Jauney! How did you do it! How did you get RUby back here all safe and sound and not all bleeding out and bleh!" Nora asked the bouncy ginger and honestly, Jaune's second best friend in Beacon bounced next to him. Nora carried five heavy boxes and Jaune carried two. Nora was one of the few females in Beacon that Jaune could feel safe around.

Nora did not care that he was a man in Beacon. She did not care that he was her team leader, unlike Pyrrha and Rin who were... vocal about their objection to Jaune being the team leader in more than one way. Nora really did not care about anything besides eating pancakes, drinking syrup and overall doing whatever the hell she felt like and Jaune and her had bonded over it.

More like she adopted me like a sad puppy. Jaune thought as Nora bounced in front of him, Jaune did his best to not look at her chest, Nora's sense of freedom also extended to her clothes, Ie Nora did not like to wear bras and most of the time she could forget she had not put on panties if Rin didn't remind her.

Needless to say, Jaune had been accidentally flashed by Nora more times than he could count. A problem that Jaune was secretly glad to have as Nora spun on a dime!

"Race you to the top Jauney! One! Two! Three! Go!" Nora said before bolting up the stairs pushing Jaune back in shock from her departure.

"Nora!? What are you doing?!"

"Just running! See you at the top!" Nora said her skirt flashing up showing a bit too much skin for Jaune's liking. He turned his head the boxes shifted and-

"AH! Oh, f*ck me-"

"Only if you want it." A voice said as Jaune was caught! Jaune was caught by a long arm a wave of blonde fell over him as-

"Nice to see you still falling into my arms, Vomit Boy. Glad to see your coordination has not improved." Lilac eyes flashed as a massive arm held him, Jaune felt his blood run cold as he let out a small scream.

"Yang!? What are you doing here?!" Jaune backed off, the bully of his time in Beacon that was always trying to get him out of his pants and loved making him blush during the day and beating the tar out of him in the arena, smirking, reaching out taking his boxes in one hand.

"Whoa there! Don't want to lose these now do you? You should keep losing to the arena ya know?"

"What do you want Yang?!"

"To say thank you."

" Yang said leering down at Jaune her bulk towered over him as he let out a groan.

"Nora! Help!" Jaune shouted as Yang's face turned, her smirk turned into a look of confusion as-

"What? Nora help you with what?"

"Yang's harassing me!" Yang's eyes went wide as she backed off a foot waving her hands.

"Whoa! Hold it there! I'm not-"

"Get away from my leader!" Nora shouted as she charged Yang's side! Nora leaned in and put her shoulder into Yang's side making her scream out in pain as she tackled her all the way down! Yang cried as her boxes fell out only for Nora to perfectly catch them stacking them on her own pile as she glared at the woman.

"Jaune~Jaune! You ok?" Nora asked looking back Jaune nodded as he quickly went behind her not caring if Nora was wearing panties or not. Jaune almost hugged her waist as Yang groaned her eyes flashing orange as she stood up.

"Nora! What the f*ck was that for?!"

"Because you were bothering Jaune again! Now back off before I break your legs!" Nora said, smiling a cherry grin as Yang sighed.

"Look I'm not bothering him ok! I just wanted to tell him something!"

"Ok. Then talk." Nora said all hints of a positive mood left her voice as she narrowed her teal eyes at Yang. Nora began tapping her foot the telltale sign she was losing patience with someone as she glared.

"Ok! Then if you mean no harm! Tell him what you would tell me!"

"I! f*ck it ok. I was just trying to tell him thank you. You saved my sister's life Jaune. I don't know how to say thank you but I mean it. Thank you." Yang said bowing her head as Jaune paused.

"Y... you are welcome. I'm glad that I could help." Jaune said his smile back as Nora gave him a small grin.

"See Jaune! She was not harassing you! She just wanted to say thanks for saving her little sis! Yang's not all that bad! Sometimes." Nora said as Yang gulped.

"Yeah well, I was here to say thanks and give you a warning ok."

"A warning?" Jaune asked as Nora's eyes once more narrowed.

"What kind of warning?"

"I was just gonna say that since you saved my sister's life our moms might take a break from our dad and come say thank you in person," Yang said wincing she knew Raven was not the most personable of people and Summer... she was a wonderful mother but she was far more traditionalist than even Pyrrha. She would not take kindly to any male hunter and even if she was going to love him for the rest of her life she was not going to leave without offering him a career change.

Sorry Sum. I don't think Jaune wants to be a househusband this soon.

"Well, that sounds fun. I'll greet them when they get here."

"Good! Now I... I gotta go bye!" Yang said stalking away as Nora grinned.

"See Jauney! That was fun! Now let's get these boxes out!" Nora said turning her skirt flurried up giving Jaune a perfect unobscured view of her round perfect pale ass as Jaune gasped.

"Nora! No panties again!" Jaune gasped as Nora's ass almost kissed his nose. Jaune smelled perfume and syrup as she giggled.

"Whoops! My bad! Don't tell anyone I gave you a free look will yah?" Nora asked mischief in her teal eyes as the two began their journey to get these boxes finally sorted.

Faith. - Chapter 1 - DesuVult123 (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6139

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.