How to use Uber Assist or WAV, for riders who may need additional help to enter and exit a vehicle (2024)

While Uber has drawn resistance for not being so generous to its fleet of drivers, the company has tried to accommodate customers with physical disabilities like limited mobility or vision.

Uber offers two main ride options for those who need extra assistance: Uber Assist and UberWAV. Here's what you need to know about these services, and how to use them.


Uber Assist pairs certified drivers with riders who need extra help

The Uber Assist program makes use of drivers who have completed certified third-party training in assisting those with disabilities, or anyone who may need extra assistance.

Uber Assist vehicles are meant to accommodate folding wheelchairs, walkers, collapsible scooters, or crutches, and drivers will be trained in how to safely assist a passenger from their wheelchair to the car.

How to use Uber Assist or WAV, for riders who may need additional help to enter and exit a vehicle (1)

You won't get charged more for an Uber Assist — it's the same price as a standard UberX ride. However, you may have a longer wait time, as there tend to be fewer drivers certified for Uber Assist.

The service is currently available in more than 40 cities worldwide, such as San Francisco, Toronto, Sydney, and Taipei. Check here to see if it is available in your city.


UberWAV has vehicles with ramps or lifts for riders in wheelchairs

If you have a motorized wheelchair, or one that doesn't fold, UberWAV is an even better option.

WAV stands for wheelchair-accessible vehicle, and these rides include ramps or lifts so that passengers don't have to leave their wheelchair to enter the vehicle.

How to use Uber Assist or WAV, for riders who may need additional help to enter and exit a vehicle (2)

These drivers are also trained and certified by a third-party in safely assisting and driving passengers in wheelchairs. The service costs the same amount as a standard UberX ride, but again, you may have a longer wait time because not as many drivers are certified.

UberWAV is being tested in many US cities including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, and San Francisco — and in some parts of the UK and Australia.

If these services are available in your city, it's relatively easy to use both of them. Here's how to do it.


How to use Uber Assist or UberWAV

You can use Uber Assist or WAV in the same way that you would normally order a ride.

1. Open the Uber app on your iPhone or Android phone. If you aren't already signed up, you must create an account first.

2. Select the "Where to?" box and type in your destination.

3. Confirm your destination and pickup location, and then scroll down and select Assist or WAV at the bottom of your screen. These options will only appear if they are offered in your city.

How to use Uber Assist or WAV, for riders who may need additional help to enter and exit a vehicle (3)

4. If an Uber Assist or WAV driver is available, your ride request will be accepted and you'll be able to track it in the app.

5. Make sure you're getting into the car with the right driver (check that the model and license plate match on your app), and you'll be on your way.

For more information about Uber's accessibility options, navigate to the accessibility page on the Uber website.


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How to use Uber Assist or WAV, for riders who may need additional help to enter and exit a vehicle (4)

Steven John

Freelance Writer

Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at

How to use Uber Assist or WAV, for riders who may need additional help to enter and exit a vehicle (2024)
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