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Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Jul 20, 1990
- Nintendo Entertainment System
A mahjong game for Famicom by Nichibutsu.
Short summary describing this game.
Mahjong G-Men: Nichibutsu Mahjong III last edited by kitaru on 12/18/19 05:31PM View full history
Collection including derivatives of two Nichibutsu arcade games: Mahjong G-Men '89 (a 1v1 mahjong game with a mystery investigation theme), and Oh! Paipii (a falling block mahjong puzzle game) -- minus the adult content featured in their respective arcade counterparts.
Mahjong Dojo
Quick play mode. Choose from a selection of eight CPU opponents featured in the story mode.
Puzzle Game: Oh! Paipii
Falling block mahjong puzzle game. Use the d-pad to move the falling tile, and the A button to "rotate" its suit. Rows are cleared by forming complete hands, and earn points according to scoring criteria from riichi mahjong.
Mahjong G-Men
Story mode with two scenarios: "The Murdered Office Lady" and "The Missing Golden Tile." Solve mysteries by winning games of mahjong.
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