Second Rite (Filthy Rich Vampires, #2) (2024)

Lolina ⋆

936 reviews50 followers

February 4, 2023

3 days left until the next book comes out, and I genuinely can't wait 😭.

I think I liked this book a lot more than I did the first time around- however in terms of being the second book in the series, I still think that the first was better. It's a fast-paced series with a constantly changing storyline, but it just works. I'm really looking forward to the next one 🫡

🤩 About to have a mental breakdown bc the third book isn't out yet and doesn't even have a release date 🤩

This book definitely got off to a rough start for me. I'm not a big fan of separation and thought that there wasn't really enough communication/ groveling at the start- and it annoyed me at the time.

I'm just so used to second books not living up to the first, and the fact that I didn't immediately love it stressed me out so bad 😭😭.

However, that's not to say that I didn't enjoy this- after a certain point, I just fell back in love with the storyline and characters. I'm honestly unhealthily invested in how this story turns out. The book progressed in a way I wasn't necessarily expecting, but I'm just rolling with it 😭.

There were definitely some questionable plot twists that I'm still trying to form an opinion on, and some frustrating repetition (in terms of thought processes), that did sort of get to me.

However all in all, although I did end up preferring the first, I still really enjoyed this. It did take me a while to get into it, but once I did I really couldn't stop. (Julian I love u 😭💞💍).

No, but the way that now looking back on it, I absolutely love these characters and series. It wasn't perfect but I'm so invested. I know the reading slump after this one is gonna hurt 💀.

Ok bye- I'm trying to stay calm and happy and positive but the way the next book comes out next year has me questioning life- I am not doing ok rn 🙃🔫.

    almost-a-fav bad-ass can-i-marry-u


2,983 reviews196 followers

April 11, 2023

Many of the extreme annoyances that plagued me in the first book of this trilogy are worked out (and very nicely) in this story. With that, it turned into quite an addicting read! Dealing with both the vampire council and Julian’s family (oh my gosh, his evil mother!) was some can’t-put-down reading!

The downside? Dumbest cliffhanger ending in the history of cliffhanger endings! Could we get any more cliché? AND, it truly comes out of absolutely nowhere… seriously. Everything is going well - we are happy, yet super invested in what comes next in the story (knowing it will be in the next book) then in the last sentence, the author somehow feels a deep need to throw us off the silliest cliff imaginable… Uh… why? Dumb, dumb, super dumb.

Still, I enjoyed the rest of the book enough to just roll my eyes and jump into the next installment (luckily, it’s already out so bingeing and ignoring that last bit of stupid stuff is easy).

    2023-reads contemporary paranormal


1,179 reviews260 followers

April 9, 2024

Usually I’m mad at these types of books that feel like one giant book split up in pieces, but I guess since it’s all out, I don’t care. And I’m living for the drama. I’m so curious to see what happens.

Just fyi, don’t expect much. If you have low expectations this series is great. It’s just fun and full of vampire and witch drama. So much drama.

    adult kindle-unlimited mates

Laura Jones

231 reviews21 followers

October 5, 2022

I'm really not into vampire books but this has been good since I started the first one.
The second one ends on a cliffhanger but one I didnt see coming and shocked me can not wait for the 3rd one.
It's a really good series

Mandy (Bookishlove85)

792 reviews83 followers

June 24, 2024

This series is only getting better! I’m really loving it. Julian and Thea = 🥹🫠😍🥰 It’s gonna kill me to wait for the fourth book in audio lol. Onto book 3 now.


43 reviews

June 29, 2023

My humble thoughts

- Cringe
- Didn’t think to tell Thea that her mom is 100% dying
- Straight up liar
- Did I mention this book is cringe especially the club scene like be so for REALL RIGHT NOW
- “Stop I need to handle this 🥹🥹”
- Biggest pick me girl ever
- cringe.
- Growls 🤮🤮🤮🤮
- Dominic is a bottom we know this !!!!
- The yelling makes my head hurt like I’m aware this is a book but Sabine had me irritated
- I hated how Julien took it upon himself to point out that used to duck a lot of women but now that’s he’s with Thea he doesn’t anymore?!? Like great job dude the bare minimum but also he directly contradicts himself because Rhea essentially asked him if he f*cked a lot of women and he was like no I didn’t duck everything that breathes or whatever. Like dude is so stupid
- Thea is kind of stupid
- Why is my girl Olivia being pointed as the villain when she’s literally the only rational thinker here. I hate the portrayal of people in their 20’s because we’re stupid but not that f’ing stupid.
- Sec every two seconds this girl is def ending up preggggooooo
- Thea reminds me of a feral Victorian child LMAOO
- So stupidddd I don’t get how Camila can give a very convincing story and they turn around do exactly what they shouldn’t I hate this couple so much it should be illegal
- When will this girl learn that men ain’t shiii
- I don’t like Jacqueline she truly serves no purpose
- How can she be feminist and also my misogynistic
- Thea has no backbone she will literally sit there and let people insult her TO HER FACE and not bat an eye. Julien is more pissed then she is
- If I ever see the words “mouth dropped” I will kill someone.
- “Pet” …that’s all I’m going to say.
- I truly don’t understand how julien could think all his mothers actions were out of love

Reading With Ghosty

146 reviews33 followers

March 6, 2024

A great follow up to the first book! This one starts off one month after Thea goes back home. Of course Julian and Thea find their way back to eachother and make up. We finally get home run spice and to be expected it was pretty good. Some thoughts:
*The whole controversy/denying of their marriage reminds me a lot of Katee Robert's "Neon Gods".
*Julian's sister showing up is an interesting layer to the drama.
*Thank god Thea is starting to get more assertive.
*Thea's is she "magical" or not arc kind of feels like a cop out to me. It reminds me too much of Sookie Stackhouse being a fairy. (And not in the best way. I absolutely love the Sookie series though.)
*The ending was very sweet...until it wasn't.
*Excited to see how the third book picks up and the new drama to unfold.

Would definitely recommend.

Diana R. Johnston

Author3 books54 followers

October 14, 2022


Great follow up to the first! Now I can’t wait for the third!! I literally read this in a day because it was so good!


1,705 reviews1,262 followers

January 9, 2024

WITAF was that ending? I will not be falling for that and find myself unwilling to continue this series. Not that I expected much from it to begin with, but sheesh...


Eilidh Fox

151 reviews3 followers

June 8, 2024


This is the second book of the series and I have bought the whole series as the first two were soo good!!

Julien & Thea I absolutely adore you, the love, compassion and bond you guys have is the best. I love the storyline there has been a lot of time and thought gone into the plot and the characters are strong. I read this book in one sitting it was that good, they are soo addictive and compelling and I will be recommending this series for the rest of my life




5,715 reviews320 followers

December 23, 2023

Another cliff hanger ending!! Gah! But despite that I did enjoy more Thea and Julian and getting to know more about each of their families' back stories. Lots of family drama, vampire council demands and forbidden love shenanigans but the two did finally consumate their relationship. Good on audio and perfect for adult fans of the Twilight series.

Steam level: very open door


2,241 reviews

December 8, 2023

4 stars

Well, Julian and Thea were tested in the second rite and we are pretty sure we now know what Thea is. I'm looking forward to seeing what changes as old spells, customs, and glamours come to light.

    2023-reads audio contemporary


56 reviews1 follower

October 29, 2022

Julian has my heart 🥹


740 reviews20 followers

July 23, 2023

Podobało mi się nieco mniej niż pierwsza część, chyba dlatego że domyśliłam się użytych rozwiązań właśnie podczas lektury wcześniejszej książki.

Millie Cullen

380 reviews

November 17, 2023

3.5 ⭐️


828 reviews8 followers

January 7, 2024

DNF ... bei Seite 230.

Mein Augenverdrehen nimmt in diesem Band leider nur noch zu, daher lasse ich es. Würde mich nur noch zwingen es irgendwie zu Ende zu lesen.

Es wird nicht mehr besser werden...

    1-star 2024 dnf


340 reviews11 followers

March 15, 2024

Finished in one sitting….. I am on a rollercoaster

Maryann Larucci-Troche

327 reviews15 followers

April 22, 2024

Book Two all done and proof that this particular vampire is exactly all I ever wanted in one!! He’s perfect in every way!! Who wouldn’t want to hear the most beautiful words ever to be expressed.

“All I am, I give to you. I swear to be your protector, your lover, your best friend as long as we walk this earth. For over nine hundred years, I sought some meaning in this world, and now I've finally found it.
You. You are the meaning. You are the reason. And you are the answer. I am honored to be your mate, I am honored to tether my soul to yours, and I am honored to become your husband." ~Julian to Thea (who is really me in a past life) 😋🥰(siiiiiiiiiiiiigh)

Besides this perfect immortal, there are so many scenarios that have developed to now find out answers to. Such as . . .

What is Thea’s mother hiding and hiding from?
Why has Sabine been hiding her grandchildren?
Who is really running the Counsel?
What is behind Benedict’s betrayal?
What is the truth about Thea’s parents?
Can Thea’s mom possibly save herself as she speaks the truth?
What will become of Camilla?

Now onto book three!!
I need more deliciousness of Julian; plus many answers.

Steph's Romance Book Talk

2,816 reviews1,380 followers

January 12, 2024

4.5 Stars / 3.5 Steam Fans

Okay, we start a few months after the first book with twists and turns. This section of the series kept twisting until the very end when it jumped off the cliff. Running to grab the next book because I am enjoying all the paranormal romance drama.

Warning: The ebook is different than the audiobook! I am a little worried that I missed something by not reading the ebook. As I read the ending of the ebook Thea's character felt different than the way Stella Hunter gave her life in the audiobook. I hope this doesn't change how I feel about books 3 and 4 because I have to read the ebooks for the rest of the series. I now understand some of the reviews.

Video review available in Week 2: Jan 7 – Jan 13, 2024, weekly book reviews on Steph's Romance Book Talk (

    audiobooks read-in-2024

Bookphenomena (Micky)

2,649 reviews517 followers

November 21, 2023

3.5 stars

I'm in a love-hate relationship with this series now. I need to know what's going to happen, it's easy reading but the plot and actions of the characters aren't what sings to my reading soul. There's a strange 1980s vibe to this piece (series) that I can't explain, it just feels dated or maybe retro.

All that said, the two main characters do intrigue me, I like them mostly even when there were some slightly far fetched turns to the plot. What I dislike is the whole vampire world that has been created around these two and especially the Grand Dame, Sabine.

This ended rather abruptly, not exactly a cliff hanger just at a weird stop. I guess I'll be reading on.

    2023-reads fantasy vampires


161 reviews

November 22, 2023

Once a couple is in love I always lose interest. I was so excited for this book because of the cliffhanger from book 1 but in this book they made up and were “united against” the enemy within 2 chapters. Hard pass. I don’t want to watch the “happy couple”’take on the world. I need angst, I need push and pull. The lovey dovey should only be for epilogues. Unfortunately I won’t read book 3.


527 reviews8 followers

December 23, 2023

Mated to a Vampire

Thea Melbourne had her heart broken into a million pieces by the vampire prince, Julian Rousseaux right before discovering her mother back in San Francisco in a coma.

Meanwhile back in Paris, Julian was suffering his own heart break, since he intentionally said hurtful things to Thea to save her from the vampire high council who had threatened her life. Julian’s best friend eventually tired of seeing him self destruct told him to go and find his mate.

We learned many new things in this part of Thea and Julian’s story, and one of those things is that Thea’s mother knew what vampires were on site. We also find out that Julian’s dead twin is actually alive and gunning for everyone on the council and maybe even her own family.

Oh, and no spoilers, but Thea is something besides human! Oops! Our favorite mated pair is still being harassed by the Vampire Council, but my money is on them because no couple that hot and spicy is ever going to let any millennium old coven tell them what to do!

    fantasy fiction mild-spice

Madison H.

75 reviews

March 19, 2024

This is like 2.5 stars MAYBE. Lacking in twilight references.

Ugh, between the overuse of the term mate, the idea that you absolutely MUST procreate, and the fact that Thea couldn't just be human she also had to be a magical being... I dunno, that last plot point seemed like something a middle schooler would write into a fanfic.

I got tired of the tell, don't show and the fact that this relationship went from broken up, engaged and breeding (ew) in like two weeks. Pretty sure less than two months since they met.

I realized I forgot completely what Thea and Julian are supposed to look like. Is Julian a blonde with long vampire locks? Is Thea a red head? What are descriptive details and why were they completely missing.

Will I read the third book? Well the reviews don't look great, so I kind of want to watch the car crash happen. But I also want to revive my love for reading, so...

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    2024 kindle paranormal


1,460 reviews

May 10, 2023

I don't normally like serial stories, but I'm really enjoying this one. The author has made an old classic into something new and intriguing. I am so in love with the romance between Julian and Thea. This season revealed so many mysteries, but it also added a few more. The revelations about Thea's magic was very cool. I had a feeling that there may be... never mind. I almost gave away a big spoiler there. Let's just say I had an inkling, but I was also really surprised because I wasn't exactly correct about her magic. I'll be interested to discover whether the theory about Thea's parentage is correct. The second Rite was a doozy. I got to the end of the chapter where it was reveled to be the second Rite and my husband gave me odd expressions of confusion because I was raising my voice at fictional characters. I just wasn't expecting that at all. Camila had some interesting revelations as well. I look forward to seeing how the Rousseaux family deals with all the new information reveled in this season. Well done to the author!


Jay Madeleine

614 reviews

December 11, 2022

I loved it! I would admit it got a little twilight for me and I was like ahhh I don't know where this is going. But... A Siren and potential vampire Hybrid! I really like that unexpected mix. We knew she wasn't human. The music was a clue. I really like this twist.
Julian is totally BOOK HUSBAND material!

    5-stars book-husbands books-that-make-me-laugh


385 reviews4 followers

October 23, 2022

Ummm I need a vampire lover like Julian. Please and thank you 😂. Julian is everything any girl would wish for. And Thea is cool. And I like this new side I'm seeing of her. Another great story. Cliffhanger ending though. 😩 Now I need book 3!!


86 reviews52 followers

October 23, 2023

can a book take your virginity again?? asking for a friend 👀🥵



46 reviews3 followers

February 8, 2023

lo mismo que el primer libro solo que en grecia


530 reviews9 followers

September 3, 2023

2.5 ⭐️ Boże ile razy w jednej książce można powtórzyć słowo „samica”? Jest praktycznie na co drugiej stronie no bez przesady…


74 reviews

July 27, 2023

„Filthy Rich Vampires. Drugi Rytuał” 4,5/5⭐️

Po genialnym pierwszym tomie niecierpliwie czekałam na kontynuacje historii Thei i Juliana. W tym tomie większy nacisk kładziony jest na miłosnym rozwoju relacji głównych bohaterów. Pojawiają się też nowe wątki i bardzo ciekawe postacie. Zdecydowanie akcja w tym tomie przybiera spokojniejszego tempa, ale mimo tego nie jest monotonna i przewidywalna. Ten tom idealnie ukazuje nam rozwój Thei i jej przyzwyczajenie się do prawdziwego ja. Końcówka totalnie mnie zaskoczyła i sprawiła, że w szoku odkładałam książkę, tylko po to, aby zaraz znów wrócić do tego fragmentu i przeczytać go po raz kolejny (przysięgam spodziewałam się wszystkiego tylko nie tego kim naprawdę jest główna bohaterka). Julian w tej części rozkochał mnie jeszcze bardziej w sobie, a po pierwszym tomie myślałam, że jest to nie możliwe, jego urok i opiekuńczość to coś, co mnie kupiło. Jestem zakochana w Camili oraz Sabrinie, te dwie kobiety, które wiedzą czego chcą i stąpają twardo po ziemi to moje nowe miłości. Jako fanka spicy scen nie mogłam wyjść z zachwytu, że w tej części było ich więcej niż w pierwszej i są totalnie cudowne! Jeśli lubicie pikantne historie, połączone z istotami nadnaturalnymi ta seria jest zdecydowanie dla was!
Ps Czekam na 3 tom.🤭

Second Rite (Filthy Rich Vampires, #2) (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.