Share the wonder with online play! - News - Nintendo Official Site (2025)

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In the Super Mario Bros.™ Wonder game, you can jump into unexpected adventure with Mario and his friends. But did you know that you can also adventure with friends, family, and even folks you’ve never met from all around the world while playing online*?! Yeah!

In this tips article, we’ll be going over the ins and outs of online play!

How to hop into online play

Once you head into Pipe-Rock Plateau, speak to Professor Connect, a friendly character that looks a little like a satellite. This will open the Online Status screen where you’ll be able to turn the network connection on or off. You can do this straight from the Main Menu next time to speed things up.

After you’ve connected to online play, you may notice faint shadows of characters on the World Map and in courses. These faint shadows are other players from all over the world who are adventuring at the same time as you!

Take a single-player journey—together!

So, what can these shadows do, you ask?

If you’re worried about someone taking your Power-ups, the good news is these live player shadows will not interfere with your game. The better news is that this mode is all about helping each other out!

  • Help each other finish the course

While in online play, if you’re defeated, you’ll notice some interesting changes. Mostly, you become a ghost!

As a ghost, a small countdown timer will appear next to you. If that countdown hits zero, your ghostly journey will end and you’ll have to restart the level from the beginning or at your last checkpoint.

But there’s hope!

  • Bump into another player to be revived

Use your new ghostly ability to pass through walls and floors to head directly towards a live player shadow. If you touch a player shadow before the countdown reaches zero, you’ll be revived on the spot without losing a life!

Oh, and if you notice a ghostly player, make your way over to them to assist with a bump back to life.

Becoming an up-standee citizen

Another way you can help your fellow adventurers is by placing standees. Player ghosts can bump into standees to be revived—just like when they bump into other online players! By crouching and hitting the X Button, you can post a standee of your character just about anywhere in a course.

It may be a nice idea to place a standee around tricky spots to help any other online players having trouble there.

  • Gray standees

These standees are ones placed by other players in the past. If they’re gray, you won’t be able to use them to revive yourself. But if you touch them, they will activate, allowing you to revive yourself if you need them later.

  • Search Party courses

In these courses, you’ll need to find all the hidden Wonder Tokens. Are they in the foreground? The background? Maybe there’s a block that appears for you that other players can’t see? Who knows! Work with other players to piece out the puzzles.

You may even see a floating standee. Hm…wonder what that’s floating on?

  • Item Balloons

In the upper left corner, you’ll notice an item on reserve. Hold the A Button to either take the item or leave it for another player. A player revived by a standee may appreciate it.

Ways to play with friends

Subtly connecting with players around the world can be tons of fun, but if you’re looking to enjoy the game with a few of your close friends, you can do that, too!

To start, head back to your Main Menu, then go to Online Status. Once there, hit the X Button to Play with Friends. From here, you can choose to create a room or find a room. Once you’re in a shared room, you can see what courses everyone is playing. Enter a course together or try to race each other—the choice is yours. Remember Search Party courses? Try tackling those with friends, too!

Care for a friendly race?

If you’re playing with friends online, you can have a Friend Race on certain courses.

  • After your group has entered one of these courses, you’ll see a Race Block.

Players can enter the race by hitting the checkered block. Once two or more players have entered, the race will begin.

When you see the green “START!” at the top of the screen, make a run for it! The Goal Pole isn’t the only way to finish the course. In some cases, the goal could be a Wonder Seed or a treasure chest.

Whether you’re casually connecting with players around the world or syncing up with friends, we hope you enjoy your gameplay experience with online play!

*Up to 12 people can be in the same Room. Limit of 4 people can play together on the same Course. Any Nintendo Switch Online membership (sold separately) and Nintendo Account required for online features. Membership auto-renews after initial term at the then-current price unless canceled. Not available in all countries. Internet access required for online features.

Share the wonder with online play! - News - Nintendo Official Site (2025)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.