STRESS RELIEF - Chapter 1 - DesuVult123 (2024)

Chapter Text

Stress Relief.

Jaune was having a bad day. Mind you when I say bad day I don't mean you fell out of bed and stubbed your toe bad, or you missed your bus and are running a bit late bad, I mean a downright terrible day. Now, what made it such a bad day? Well, to be fair it was going pretty well to start off with. He got accepted into Beacon Academy of his dreams the night before, so that was good.

He was able to sneak out of his families house without anyone noticing, so that was also a plus, and he also got to meet a beautiful girl in a red cape who seemed to want to be his friend! So overall his day was going pretty well, so what made it so terrible you as? Well, to be honest, it may or may not have something to be due to him being forced into giving someone he just met a blowj*b in public.

Now this was bad for some obvious reasons, but for now we will settle onthree reasons, well it was actually bad for many other reasons, but for simplicity sake we will just settle on three, for now, to keep things nice and simple.
Why was Jaune on his knees? Why was he giving fellati* in public? Why was there a fullfoot of girl co*ck in him? These were the questions we need to answer! And there are answers to them! More or less. So let's get to answering!

Question one! Why was Jaune on his knees with a petite girl's dick in his mouth who was moaning at the top of her lungs while she skulls f*cked him into oblivion? Causing dull wet smacking sounds to fil the air along with red petals to fall down her hips?

Well, that has a simple and utterly normal non-madness inducing answer!
It was simple! Jaune had met Ruby, Jaune had talked to Ruby, and the Ruby had asked Jaune for a blowj*b!

Simple! Well asked is a strong word as the girl practically forced him to his knees before smacking with her semi-hard eight inches before forcing his mouth open and the proceeding to gag him with her ten-inch dick.

Now that answers to question one! Why was Jaune on his knees giving fellati* to a girl he just met now onto question number two!

Why the hell was the girl he just met skull f*cking him into oblivion in the first place and why wasn't he resisting?! The answer to this one is as usual simple!

Jaune was weak, like very, very, hilariously weak, and even this small petite girl could overpower him and make him gag on her. Now, why wasn't he fighting back you ask? Good question!

Now the reason for his compliance was a combination of shock, fear, and arousal. As the ten inches of girl meat shot back and forth into his mouth filling it with a thick meaty flavor and making the blond gag whit wet sloppy smacking sounds filled the air.

SMACK! SMACK! "Ahh..." The young girl moaned slightly as her co*ck slammed into the boy's hot tight throat and her base ballsized balls stuck against his chins asthe blonde found himself perversely aroused by the vicious skull f*cking and was actually reciprocating using his tongue to wrap all over her meat making her moan in pleasure.

Now onto the most important question! That is absolutely burning on everybody's mind and just needs to be answered! Why does this girl have a dick!? Now I know what your thinking! Desu! Girls don't have dicks! Only guys do! Well, my friends, you are absolutely and one hundred percent correct!

Girls do not have dicks! Usually, and in case you have not been reading this fine tale or are incredibly dull this was not a usual case, and was, in fact, a very unusual one...

Now to better understand this situation lets go back a couple of hours before Jaune was accepted into Beacon and let's hear a very important scroll conversation he was having...

Earlier on....

"Hello! You have reached the interdimensional harem hotline service! This is your representative Mink on the line how can I help you?"

"Um? Hello?" A timid, shy voice asked as a tall, lanky boy with blonde hair and blue eyes whispered into his scroll as he held an ancient looking piece of paper in his hands.
"Hello? This is Jaune Arc. I am calling for my harem contract."

"Why hello mister Arc! How are you doing this fine night? And how can I your friendy interdimensional representative mind demon form the seventh realm of pleasure help you tonight?"

"Well it's about my harem contract, you know the one I sold my soul for?" Jaune asked as the writing on the archaic piece of paper glowed brightly as it burst into bright purple flames making Jaune squeal as he struggled to read the insane writing on it.

"One moment, please! Let me look up your file we have quite a lot of customers you know? Mainly yourself but there are others as well!"

"Mainly my self?"

Jaune asked as the demon gave him a sound of approval.

"Yes! Have you ever heard of the multiverse theory? Thereare infinite versions of you, and they are almost single-handedly keeping this company afloat! So thank you for your continued interdimensional patronage to our company!"

"Uh.... Your welcome? I think..."

"Now let's see here... AH! There it is your contract that you sold your soul for say right here that you wanted... please before I go on if there are any inconsistencies or any complaints that you would like to register with the agency please do not hesitate to tell me. After all, you are our premier customer! And here at the interdimensional harem hotline, we value customer service more than anything!"

"Sure thing... Just go on, and I will tell you if there is anything fishy about it."

Jaune said as the demon began to speak.

"Splendid! Now let us see! It says here that you want a harem of beautiful woman all who are not afraid to share you with each other that will shun other men? Does this sound correct?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right go on."

"It also says under your preferred body type you prefer a tall athletic woman with aggressive personalities, that didn't take no for an answer. Though you also stated that you had no issues with dating a girl smaller than you? Like a loli? Is this correct?"

"Yes, that sounds good. Go on..."

"OK! It also says that for personality traits your prefer aggressive take the first move woman who will not take no for an answer?"

"Yes..." Jaune said as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise as he felt the first in a long line of trepidation come to him as he spoke to the demon on the other end of the line.
"Now it also says you are quite into role reversal play? You like being the submissive in a relationship?"

"I never said that!"

"Hmmm.. No, you did not. But your heart did so it is on your contract!"

"My heart said that?! What the hell does that mean!?"

Jaune yelled to the demon who chuckledinnocently at his cries.

"It means that occasionally the contract will read your innermost thoughts and emotions and project them into the contract itself so there we go!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"Anyway moving on! Beside beautiful, aggressive woman you list no real preference in bust size only that bigger was nice, but it was not a real issue..."

"That's correct but about the role-

"Speaking of which! Did you contractor daemon explain to you about our entertainment pricing?"

"Entertainment pricing? What is that?" Jaune asked as he felt a coldhand grip his heart.

"Well as you may or may not know that whenever the hotline makes a contractor buys a soul, we are allowed to make three random additions to your contract! All pre-approved of course! The daemon would have asked you is there anything you re against or asking for any hard no’s that will not be randomly added. Did they?"

"Um... they said is there anything I would not like a girl to do to me and I said beside hurt or murder me no..."

"I see! So besides physical harm, the girls can do whatever they want with you! Excellent!"

"Wait! That is not excellent! What did the three extra clauses say!?"

"Let's see... Ah... AHA! A! Oh....."

"Oh?! What does oh mean!?"

"Mink? Mink?!"

"I'm sorry! It's just you got one helluva set of add-ons here! Let me just say!"

"What kind of add-ons...."

"Well, Jaune have you heard of a futanari before?"

"Uh... No? Why what's that?"

"Oh boy, if that doesn't get to you this is going to be a rough list to get by."

"Mink? What dose my list say."

"Well, it has added the traits that all of your guaranteed harem members will all beAggressive, bondage play Futanari. and they have added an extra clause for your guaranteed immortality clause that you voluntarily agreed to!"

"I do want to live forever..." Jaune admitted as the demon went on.

"It says that you were rendered as a complete sexual submissive and you will be unable to resist say no or otherwise avoid or hinder theromantic advance of any woman for the rest of your life."



"Yeah! It looks like you are going to be in for an exhausting eternity you know that?"

"Mink what is a futanari? I have no idea what you are talking about and-

"It means that we gave every girl on your harem a twelve-inch dick."

"Say what now?"

"I said we gave all you harem members a dick so that they can.. use it. On you a-

"Can I talk to a manager? Or someone in charge please there has to be some kind of miss-

"Nope! No mistake! You made a deal with an interdimensional daemon, you should have guessed we had a sense of humor to us! Now don't worry! We have alreadyadjusted the world to suite this reality, so there will be some slight differences to this world and the one you are accustomed to but fear not, this is not our first rodeo with you or a version of youand there will be no issues with the actions taken by you or others. Hell! We even picked you in a beneficial situation in your society and made sure that any young futa will find you irresistible and will be unable to control themselves around you! You will be quite popular you know?"

"Mink! I do not want to bef*cked by dicks!"

" Well, it's a lot better than the other you who got a yandere harem and chose the reverse rape, pegging and milking as his extras. But that's for the tags on that story! Not this one! Coming out next week! Or not! So don't worry about that! He is currently running for his life with the threat of his dick falling off right now did you know that?"

"No Mink! I need to talk to a super-

"Too late! Times up!"

"Too late?! The hellare you talking about!?"

" I mean too late! Your automatic memory erasing procedure is activating so you will have no recollection of ever interacting with us! You will wake up in the morning as if nothing ever happened!"

"Automatic memory removal!? Why are you removing my memory!?"

"Its standard procedure really, its nothing personal well.. it is personal. You have no idea how many of you's have tried to mount desperate last-ditch suicidal raids of the seventh realm of pleasurein a desperate bid to get their souls back over the millennia! Some even did it! So now it is the standard operating procedure to erase all of our contacts memories after the initial harem agreement is signed!"

"Mink! You can't-
"Goodbye mister Arc! Have a happy eternity!" The demon said before the scroll glowed white and the room exploded.

"Take my cum!" Ruby yelled a the top of her lungs as finally exploded into the young boy's throat as he small regular knees trembled as she fired off shot rope after rope of gooey sem*n into his mouth realizing the fell of his tong working her shaft as he fought to swallow it all.

"This is heaven...." Ruby said aloud as her eyed lolled as her balls tightened squeezed and emptied into the blonde's throat, sputtering violently and painting the insides of his mouth and throat white as she gripped the blonde's hair roughly. It took her over five minutes to come out of her euphoric post org*sm haze before she realized what she had just done.

"OH NO! I am so sorry!" Ruby yelled as she began not panic. She ripped the boy of her now limp dick who began a cough and the gain ad he attempted to spit up her sperm to no avail. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! I raped him! I raped a boy! This is why we have such a bad reputation! This is why we can only enroll in Beacon! Ruby thought as she began to panic.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to-

"It's fine! It's fine! just.. don't do that again ok?" The boy asked gagging as he stood up shakily. Ruby also apologized and forced her dick back into her skirt before apologizing to the boy again and again before walking with him to Beacon proper...

She really did not mean to rape his mouth, but it was so cute! At least she was able to hold herself back and did not go for his other virginities as well! For one she not sure she was ready to risk having a kid and the other untouched part of his anatomy.... the other... perfect succulent, juicy rear of the blondes that hypnotized her eyes and made her mouth water....

That ass... Ruby thought as her mouth watered as she saw an ass that was far too big for the jeans it was trapped in.

NO! Bad thoughts! We will take that by consent! Ruby said as she pushed her erotic thoughts down as she and blonde settled into a calm amicable chat as they wandered into Beacon proper.

Ruby learned Jaune was trying to be the best hunter he could be to satisfy his family name and save people! Something she liked very much as the two despite the brutal face f*cking that was totally nonsensual that happen a scant minutes ago was forgotten and they soon became fast friends, who talked pleasantly until reaching the auditorium where Ruby bid him goodbye before delivering a peck on his cheek and telling him she would call him later on...

It was dark in Beacon wait room, and Jaune had the unfortunate of watching a shard of ice knocking back the girl who had been previous face f*cking him with a ten-inch dick.

As he watched Ruby sulk away either through sheer curiosity of sheer stupidity or some combination of the two approached the girl int he pink yukata they had been talking too.

"um.. hello? My name is Jaune and-

"Go away you are-
The girl stopped as her golden eyes locked onto his and sniffed the air once like some type of animal before bolting her head at him.

"You... You are a male?"
"Uh. I'm a guy yes. Why does the matter?"

The girl with gold eyes grinned as she reaches into her sleeping bag and tossed a pen from somewhere and motioned to Jaune.

"Could you be a dear and bend over to pick that up for me?"

"Sure thing?” Jaune said as he bent down to pick up the pen before he swore the sound of purring entered his hears and heard the girl growled.

"Nive very nice and frim." She said slapping his ass making Jaune yelp in pain and fall flat on his face.

"Hey! What was that for?!"'

"Just seeing how you feel and let me tell you that ass is A grade bangable. If not for your horrendous onesie I am sure those girls would have forced you down raped you already."

The amber eyed girl said pointing to the gaggle of girls Jaune was currently oblivious to. Making Jaune take especial notice of their lower parts as she drew his eyes to the large bulges in their skirts.

"Rape me!? What do you mean they want to Rape me?!'

"They want to shove their long hard co*cks into your tight presumably virgin ass, and you make you their cum slu*t for life." The girl said evenly making Jaune gak.

"I don't want to get raped!"

"Most don't, that's why its called rape. but I do kind of want to see how you react with some of them come over here and drag you off on a corner for some alone time."

"Rape is illegal! I can call a teacher and-

"You have no idea what kind of the school you are in do you?"

"I'm in a school for training hunters why?" Jaune asked as the girl's eyes shot open as her mouth dropped.

"Oh boy. Look, man, you look like a good kid, so I'm going to do you a favor. If you do not want to begin banged, you will have to do me a favor.

"And that is?" Jaune asked as the girl motioned for him to enter her black sleeping bag.

"You'll have to come in and see. Trust me it might be a bit hard to swallow, but you'd get the hang of it," she said as Jaune nervously found himself dragged into the bag as the amber-eyed girl closed the bag around them.

"Good Monty. How did they make your throat so tight!?" Blake hissed as she finally got to the halfway point of her fourteen-inch dick past Jaune throat.

The human boy cried in pain as she forced as her dick past the halfway point before she gave a short, brutal thrust implanting it fully into his throat making him gag.

Sweet Oum. I forgot how good the inside of a throat feels! It's so cushiony and fleshy!

Blake thought as she moaned aloud as she finally got all of her 14-inch barbed penis into his throat. As the human, Jaune cried pain Blake decided to ease his pain by swallowing his dick whole.

It was not a bad size for a male in width or length. And seven and a half inches was more than enough to get her motor running, but now it was her time.

As Jaune's throat muscles clamped down like a vice around her she felt pure bliss as his throat milked her co*ck, it was like a spongy fleshy piece of heaven that was all hers.
She let out another satisfied gasp as she felt her baseball size touch his eyes, as she bit his dick before slapping hard into them as she humped his face.

The boy was just so trusting! He just jumped into a random futa’ssleeping bag no issues, and was having a rough sixty-nine with a hung futa faunus!

As Blake finally began to manically hump his face causing her dick to elicit loud slapping noise filled the room, she felt the tears running down his face as her knit was know firmly lodged into his throat elongating his jaw making her eyes roll backward in bliss as he was suffocated by her meat.

" FYI, so that you know I’ve knotted you sowon't be getting my co*ck out of your throat until I cum so suck harder."

Blake said as she decided to actually test the boy.
As she was busy f*cking his face senseless as she sucked him off, she decided to have a little fun with the young boy.

As she gripped his firm bouncy bubble, but Blake put a questing finger around his virgin rosebud making the boy squeal.

He's sensitive, isn't he? I guess I'll see what I'm dealing with. Blake thought as she forced a finger into him. Yup! That's a virgin! Blake thought as his rosebud clenched viciously around her finger actually making her wince in pain as it resisted the intruders before she forced two more inside of him making him moan.

The boy was bucking uncontrollably as he tried to force her dick out of his mouth but only succeeded in forcing her knot further into his throat and making him suckit harder.

It took Blake a mear ten seconds of cursory exploration to find his prostate and flick it making the boy spasm as his muscles spasmed and sent Blake over the edge.

"Cumming!" She yelled as she felt her balls twitch before her co*ck erupted firing rope after from into the boys' stomach as Jaune screamed.

HELP ME! I Cant breath! Jaune thought as his vision dimmed as the slapping of the girls have balls struck his eyes lids. The boy was in a mixture of heaven and hell as the girl.

As the girls impossibly, skilled outing worked over his dick making him see stars while she simultaneously fingered him making him wish he could do this forever.

On the other hand her dick was making his jaw a living nightmare at it forced it apart, that and the barbs on her dick scrapped roughly along his throat causing him to cry in pain and pleasure before she tightened her grip on his dick pushing them both over the edge as she came buckets of hot ropey seamed into his stomach.

June flinched in agony as her massive knot forced its way past his throat elongating his jaw to previously unheard as he fired down her throat as her questing finer brought them to climax simultaneously...

After their, fun times. Blake and Jaune were laying in a spooning position on the bed, Jauen quivering in shock and pain as he tried fruitlessly to fix his jaw with Blake gentlyfor her spooning him from behind rubbing her cum soaked head against his tight rosebud making him whimper in both equal parts fear and arousal.

"Just so that you know. I won't be taking your anal virginity. Tonight. Since you were such a good sport, I have decided to let you keep it. For now. Fair warning Arc. If I ever see you again, I am going to find you force you down shove all fourteen inches if my barbed dick inside your ass virgin or not and take you there on the spot. Ok?" Blake asked as Jaune nodded weekly as the cat faunus sighed happily as they both went to sleep...

"Hello! I am Nora and you!?" A bubbly energetic voice said as Jaune was shocked out of his repertoire of his Beacon breakfast by the voice of a fiery ginger girl who was now sitting next to him.

"Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune said blushing trying to get the memories of las night out of his mind. Two girls two dick all within twenty-four hours!? What are the odds?! He thought as the bubbly ginger giggled and shook his hand with enough force to almost break it.

"I'm glad to meet you! The moody thing next to me is mybest friend Lie! She's a bit shy, but she's a good person!"
Nora said pointing to the quiet girl in black who was now on Jaune's other side who nodded once as her lone flawless black hair with one strand painted pink nodded to her.

"Hello Jaune, it is nice to meet you. We did not expect to see a boy in Beacon, so this does come as a surprise." The girl said in a calming voice as Jaune blinked at her.

"Why wouldn't you expect to see boys at Beacon? It's not like this is an all girl school right? I mean just because you two are cute girls doesn't' meat that you can just tkick me out you know?" Jaune said going for a laugh only to see the girls moths drop open before Nora spoke first.

"You.... You think that we are girls?"

"Uh... Yeah. What else would you be? I mean you are both attractive polite, you-

Jaune was interrupted from his bad attempts at flirting by a bone-crushing hug that threatened to break his spinal cord.

"I knew it! Rinny! I told you he was a good person!" Nora said as Jaune began to gak for air.

"Nora! Please! Air!" Jaune wheezed as the ginger attempted to snap him in half.

"Nora! Let him breathe." Ren said making her friend drop him giving him a brief apology before she spoke again.

" Buts she is right Jaune. Most men would not be so...polite to us. I am quite surprised you are both polite and not being turned out by the other girls."
"Turned out? What are you talking about?"

Jaune asked as the two girls shared a worried glance as they looked at each other before, looking back to him.

"Jaune... Do younot know what Beacon is?" Rin asked as the blonde nodded his head.
"A school for hunters?"

Jaune said as Rin grew a worried look on her face as Nora giggled nervously.

"Jaune... You seem to be a good guy. I hope we can end up with a team together. There are many who would abuse your naievty, if you do end up with us we will watch your back for you."
"Yeah! No one's breaking down your backdoor with us by your side!" Nora said happily as Jaune chucked nervously....

" I free your soul unbinding you and making you a paragon of truth and justice for all…" The redhead said as she briefly finished unlocking his aura. "Wow!" The blonde knight yelled as he jumped up suddenly feeling ten time his normal lacking amounts of energy.

Even after getting thrown off a cliff he was still in good spirits. Not only had he not died being tossed off a cliff like a rag doll he had just met a girl who was going to be his partner for the next four years and did not seem to want to rape him! Life was going well!

As he jumped into the air seeing his now partner a beautiful redhead with bronze arm and glowing emerald eyes. "Thanks, Pyr!" He said giving her a bear hug causing her face to become the color of her hair before breaking away and jumping energetically "you're the best!"

Pyr!? The redhead was taken aback "why do you call me Pyr when my names Phyrra?"
" Because that's you're nickname silly!" He said as he began walking forward it's your nickname?! She had chosen correctly! She thought vividly as she watched the bubbly blonde knight who was jumping in front of her he is perfect!

She reasoned as she began following her now partner as he jumped excitedly into the air as she not so subtly admired his thin, lanky limbs messy blonde hair that was begging o be pulled roughly, and his cute round bubble but that's just trapped in those too small jeans just practicallybegging to get bent over and-

Stop that! She chastised herself immediately he’s your partner and possibly your first real friend! And you are not going to make this awkward by trying to break him!

Pyrrha thought to herself as she fought a losing battle to keep her eyes away from the hypnotic sway of the young man's rear end. It was so.... bouncy and-

Stop it! He is your friend, and you willnot abuse that!

Despite him having a perfect read end… A thin line of drool exited her mouth as she watched it sway back and forth as jiggled slightly with each step as he walked it was truly scrumptious almost bubble but. "Pyr?"

A thin line of drool stretched from the redhead's faces as she eyed him as his cut made figures in the air Pyr! God, he is perfect! She thought as she started viciously as she watched his somewhat effeminate figure he is so right-

" PYR!"

" What?!"

She asked suddenly aware of her name being called an she turned to see her partner with the brightest blush on his face.

"What is it Jaune?" She asked not seeing the reason for his embarrassment. As he covered his eyes with one arm, "it's your.."

"My what? She" asked innocently emerald eyes gazing into his azure ones; "it's your skirt."

Did he say my skirt? She thought curiously, "what's wrong with my skirt?"
" You're tenting." He said she felt her blood run cold as she looked down to see a massive bulge in her combat attire…

She was tenting… by the gods, she wanted to commit seppuku right then and there. God dammit! She roared to herself why?! Why now?! Why do I have to tent in front of my first actual friend and partner for the next few years?! As she raged at her misfortune of having an overly sensitive co*ck, now, he probably hates me and. Crack!

A crack came from around the as ground penetrated the air, Grimm! She said as she awkwardly tried getting into a fighting stance as she found it hard to get balance with a foot of extra meat coming out of her I can't fight like this! She thought desperately as she picked up her shield "can you get rid of it!?"

The blonde asked as he raised his weapons. She hesitated before giving in I need some help! Dammit! She thought dejectedly why did it have to happen now?! I was just getting to know- "ok!" The blonde said turning to her "tell me what you need me to do!" He said his eyes full of determined stare a look she would not have guessed him capable of mere minutes ago.

As he started to him you mean.. "You want to help me?" Crack! Another twig cracked as the growls got closer of course I do! He said as he gripped her hand you are my partner now tell me what to do!

She couldn't believe her luck. Here was her first friend, her partner, offering to help her with one of her most intimate problems? She couldn't believe he would!
"I need a hand," she said as she unfastened her skirt letting her monster out. As twelve inches of girl meant flew out she was a bit taken aback by the cool air she gave her body a moment to adjust "if you could help me... that would be much appreciated." She blushed putting a hand on herself expecting a hand to grip her shaft she was infinitely surprised as she felt a hot, warm feeling as his head was impaled upon it.

What am I doing?! Jaune thought as he felt his breathing stop as for the second time in less than twenty-four hourshe found himself on his knees with over a foot of girl co*ck in his mouth as he hit the baste of his teammate's co*ck she had intended to help her out with her problem. Who knew she would also have a dick?! So far only Ruby had some meat in between her legs and finding another girl with an... addition was certainly strange...

Not that he was judging! He was a very open-minded guy and well open-mouthed to he guessed. As he attempted to finish her off quickly as a deepthroat seems to be the, to be honest, path, accidental as it may be he never intended to go down on her!

He thought as he was forced on her meat it had a salty taste though not unpleasant was still strange as he heard his partner inhale sharply as her breath caught in her throat. Her breathing hitched as she gasped for a moment. I must be doing something right. He thought as his tongue dragged across her shaft as he began to work his tongue over her.

This was heaven! Pyrrha thought the felt the young blonde eagerly go down on her. His tongue worked up an down her hard shaft as she felt a talented mouth go to work on her. This was her first real sexual experience!

Outside of tender moments in her room between tournaments that was. She thought as she felt his absolutely magical tongue run roughly over her entire length, before halting he would pull back slowly gritting his teeth lightly against her full length in a lengthy move before biting gently at the end putting pressure on her tip it was a rapture.

As she felt him work, she could not know how this day could get any better! Though like all good things it had to end as he felt a sudden twitching in her base as he could tell she was close.

This is hard! He thought as he desperately tried to make his partner cum. He had no idea how long he had been down here, but it had been minutes as he was starting to run out of the air. As he took her entire length down his throat one go letting her thick flesh beat pulse down his mouth, he felt a twitch in it what- before he could react two strong hands gripped his head and forced him down to the beast in one sudden moment.

"I'm cumming!" Pyrrha said and went from being a passive receiver to an active participant as she suddenly gripped his head causing him to gag a shaken before beginning violently thrusting into his throat. Loud, obscene smacking sounds filled the forest as her hips connected to his face, as her heavy balls slapped messily against his chin.

She was like well-driven ramming machined as she pistoned into him going to cum! She has felt her balls tingle as she let out a torrent of ji*zz in this throat.

She’s cumming?! He thought as he was forced down on her co*ck before it twitched rapidly several times shaking violently as to suddenly erupted into his eager mouth.

As a volcano of ji*zz came down his throat. One two three! Jets of cum came before he felt like his mouth was full of swirling ji*zz. As it was forced down his mouth was pushed all the way to the hilt by two forceful hands as the nose was gagged one red pubic hair as his head was held fast he caught his first actual taste of her.

Salty and sour. It was terrible! It tasted like curdled milk with a texture to match as he attempted to fight back and emancipate his embattled throat. At least Ruby had the common courtesy to blast straight down his throat and not force her splooge into his mouth where he had to taste it before he swallowed she tried to free himself from his entrapment.

Unfortunately, his efforts of freedom only seemed to encourage his partner as she held his head down harder and rougher as she continued to violently pump his mouth and pump him full of ji*zz.

That was... amazing… she thought as she felt her balls finally emptied as her hands violently gripped his hair forcing him down, she looked down at her partner panting hard as his eyes glazed up to her his face was bright red as he was feebly trying to escape from her grasp as he futilely pawed his arms against her, in a sight she was determined to see again.

Cute she pondered as notice a bulge appear in his throat before dissipating in an audible gulp ". Did you swallow?" She asked in a dreary pre-org*sm bliss as her heart was practically beating out of her chest with affection.
Not like I had much of choice. He thought bitterly as she held him down, he mumbled through twelve inches of girl meant.

That settles it! She thought to herself I'm going to make him mine! She thought with a grin as she picked up her shield and spear, "It's time to kill some Grimm!"

"Team RWBY! Lead by Ruby rose!" The head mistresses said as a roar of applause covered the room as a young girl in red his first friend actually look unexpected bashful as her team gave her varying degrees of response the blonde hugged her tightly while the white-haired girl only growled silently. The black head simply shrugged like it was of no consequence.

"Jaune arc, Rin Lee! Nora Valkyrie! And Pyrrha Nikos! Together you will be team JNPR! Lead by Jaune arc!" Suddenly the room was rocked into a deafening silence. You could have heard a needle drop in the place before being replaced by a deafening roar of approval.

A sudden impact forced him forward as the most energetic of his time jump his back "yay! Jauney's our leader!" Nora said happily as she road his back her soft front pressing into his back.

"Nora he needs to breathe," a calm voice said from his right. Rin, said as she signed! Pyr gave him a playful tap that nearly took off his arm in the par case that was worse than the nevermore. He thought as the room thundered its ’ voice.

"This is our room?!" He said as he stood in a modestly sized room for four," I call beds with Rei!" Nora said as she jumped into the farthest bed "I call the one next to our leader."

Pyr said In a sultry voice that sent shivers down his spine; He looked at his three girls all seemed to be glaring at him, Pyr was a warrior of pure strength and muscle. Nora was a hyperkinetic ball of death and magenta.

While her friend Rin was a dark haired girl, who had given him no real impression except as deadly shot. As he looked at his new teammates. "Well, I'm going to hit the showers."

Jaune said as he turned to go to the bathroom only to be stopped by something he would become well acquainted with during his stay at the school, the sound of straining fabric.

As he turned around to see three skirt tents popping up from his roommates now team members. As he started at the bulging tents all much bigger than his own and far above average.

As if seeing him see them they all blushed and turned away except his partner who only gave a wolfish grin as he suddenly had a feeling to protect his backside, one second through he said nervously "On second thought actually, I think I'll just go to bed…"

Rin was having an odd day. As she sighed heavily dropping the two items loudly against the sink with an ominous CLINK!
The sound of the two things falling against the marble counter hurt her ears as her new leader and current source of pity yelped loudly.

"They were going to rape me!?"
Jaune asked aloud pointing to the items as Rin sighed.

"Yes, Jaune Yes they were, going to spit roast you over the sink," Rin said pointing to the pair of metal handcuffs, and long roped that was now lying on the countertop.

It was true. Rinhad awoken to her partner and best friend along with Jaune’s partner conspiratorially lurking outside of the team bathroom with a pair of handcuffs and rope in hand.
It did not take the young futa long to see what was going on and decided to put an end to their shenanigans.

It's not that Rin usually cared about this stuff. Beacon was a school for young, excited Futa and Jaune was a guy who had apparently enrolled here by accident.

And while this was not uncommon Jaune seemed like a good person. He didn't judge them for being what they were he was nice polite and honestly seemed like a friendly type of person.

So being the overall kind person she was Rin stopped the two from spitroasting their leader in their bathroom saying that Jaune was their friend and there was no way they should demand of force sexual favors of him as a friend.

The two had heard her words and backed down with a look of a kicked puppy as Rin announced she was going to the bathroom to inform their leader about their actions, now though.
Rin's words rang hollow in her ears as the blonde boy was fully halfway down her co*ck as she petted his head gently.

"There you go watch the teeth. That's it." Rin hissed as she felt he be lower in her shaft as his magical tongue want to work sliding in and over her foot of meat.

Rin hissed as she felt he be lower in her shaft as his magical tongue want to work sliding in and over her foot of meat.

Now Rin might be called a hypocrite for stopping her teammates from experiencing sexual favors, but this was different! Rin was not trying to experience factors from Jaune! It was really his fault!

Rin had calmly explained that after a talk both Pyrrha and Nora had decided that no one would the protect him from other more... aggressive students, they would let him use his body and give his virginity to whoever he wanted though Rin had no doubts the spartan would be breaking down his back door in a matter of time, and there was little to nothing he could do to prevent that.

Be that as it may, Rin had taken it upon herself to tell Jaune that she would offer him a modicum of protection so long as he kept up his actions and behavior. Meaning treating both her and Nora with respect. Being a good leader and had overall not been an ass.

Though in his defense Rin did have a full erection when she asked him this. And the blonde must have understood that she was asking for a blowj*b and not referencing to his character.

A simple mistake really one that should have been easily alleviated, I mean one it was early in the day and morning wood. Two Jaune was attractive, he had nice pouty lips that made Rin stare and abubble, but that was so perfect bouncy and light that it made the corners of her mouth drool but his tongue.

Now simple mistake or not Not even Rin's usually unflappable logic could say that what happened nest accident or not was entirely her fault.

Usually Rin prized herself as the epitome of self control and reliance. She was a rock int he streams of life. Unmovable, un bribeable and not tempted by worldly pleasures. She was the image of peace and tranquility.

But for all her virtues Rin was, in the end, a human, and she had human vices like all the rest of life. As the blonde turned away to inspect the sink, she found her eyes locked onto his ridiculously bubbly rear end.

It was like someone had sculpted an ass made of clouds and pillows as she found her pant getting tighter. Normally this is where she would have simply walked out of the bathroom waited for her shower and masturbat*d. Quick clean efficient.

But now? Now she was being the blonde over and finger f*cking him as her life depended on it. As her hand reached further and further into the inhuman tightness that was the blondes divinely pillowy ass.

Rin was once again forced to remind herself that she came into the bathroom to warn him about being sexually assaulted and there she was fingering him to completing the sitting back on the toiled before forcing his mouth on her dick.

Now Rin was no fool. She knew something was very, incredibly wrong with this situation. For on she never lost control like this, she practiced and mediated far too long to simply tries to rape a boy. Secondly every time she felt like not attacking him it was like etheral chains wrapped around her limbs and forced her to do these actions.

Whether Janewas actually cursed or Rin was slowly losing her mind were thought of critical importance to he young futa they were both ignored as RIn found the true meaning of heaven, and it was between a boys lips.

If there was ever a heaven, it existed between his lips as the young futa forced her co*cks deeper into his throat making him choke on it before he used up tears in her eyes as he bobbed up and down lightly raking teet against her tip making her shudder in ecstasy.

Now Rin, not a bad person. She knew that this blowj*b was nothing more than a misunderstanding Jaune did not want to be sucking her on anyone else's dick. So she decided to be a little fair to him. And decided that he should enjoy himself as well.

"Dear Oum you are a virgin." Rin gasped as she pulled down the blondes sleeping pants bending gove this has so she could both knee and finger him. This had the unfortunate effect on Jaune to force her foot of co*ck fully into his throat making him choke, but Rin assumed that this would help him finish faster and she gets off quicker meaning a win-win for both of them.

"Some girl is going to destroy you. You know that?" Rin asked as she began to mercilessly finger the boy's hole making him shudder in pleasure as she began to earnestly skull f*ck him causing loud slapping noises to emerge from the bathroom.

"Yes, that's it. Just like that."
Rin said s she finally felt her ball twice.

"You like that? I know you do. You love it!" Rin yelled before she gripped his firm rear with both hands making himscream as she kneaded the dough like backside as she fired down his throat making Jaune gag and cry but not spill a single drop as he swallowed her load and Rin sighed in relief.

"But this isn't fair!" He pouted shaking his fist angrily to the ceiling. "Life is not fair," his partner as she eyed him down as he slumped in defeat.

Rin once again acknowledged her role in the problem After leaving the bathroom Jaune was forcibly pinned against the wall by his partner as she proceeded to shove a finger inside of him despite his protest, on the contrary, making him yelp before she let out a sigh of relief at him still being a virgin.

After a pointed look at Rin Pyrrha declared that for having quote-unquote fun without them Jaune would be getting a change of wardrobe much to his displeasure.

Theboy now wore a far too tight pink top complete with a lacy bra a mini skirt that was several inches too short and rode up in such as way that it might as well not be there.

It also had a hole in the back of it shaped like a hear right here his defense should be, and there was a literal arrow point of his bubble cheeks with leet go here! Painted on or it might as well have been.

It gave any potential dickgirl with an erection a clear and vulnerable target, and it clearly showed the thing that was riding up his back. That along with some sexy garter combine with Jaune's increasingly feminine looks and disposition it looked like her lead would be in for a rough time in Beacon.

And judge the fact that Nor had literally burned all the use of his clothes and Pyrrha had made Jaune promised to give his first experience to her after class Rin very much doubted Jauen would be walking straight ever...

Even so, life still was not done kicking the poor boy as Nora hugged him suddenly and without pause not even bothering to hide the massive in her skirt her bulge pressed into his unprotected backside causing him to struggle to escape.
It was not enough as the girl trapped him in a death grip, as the fabric of her skirt though that was doing a magnificent job of holding that monster in place without tearing in three. He was still to be caught in her vice-like arms "Nora!" He pouted as she held him fast pushing her monster into his backside.

Pyrrha wondered how her partner would react if he knew that while his skirt was indeed several inches shorter than their own it also had an opening on the back end of it, shaped like a heart revealing pair of bright purple thong-shaped in a heart at its base that stood out like a lighted warning sign and practically painting a target on his rear end.

A target that his teammate Nora was currently eagerly trying to get at pinning him to the ground and sawing her dick between his bubble but parting his checks like they were a loaf of bread.

As he whined futilely, as she pinned him to her bringing her massive monster to his end. She had conflicted feelings about this. While she had already claimed his mouth, she still wanted his final piece of innocence for herself, a fact Nora seemed not understand as she gave Pyrrha nod and mouthed you first to her new friend.

And after seeing how he looked afterward? That pathetic, desperate expression on his face? She wanted him all to herself she also didn't want to stop Nora from having fun either.. A dilemma.

She thought to herself but before the Valkyrie could pin the Knight her friend spoke up. "Nora as much as I’d like to see you invert or leaders intestines we have to get to class."

" What?!" Pyrrha exclaimed looking at the clock before a panicked look escaped her face "let's go!" Nora said let go of Jaune who sighed in relief Pyr’s eyes narrowed as she saw him.

She noticed that while he had always been feminine but for some reason, he now seems to have curves. Even more so than usual and definitely more so than had had yesterday. As she eyed her lover up and down with a curious gaze, what's happening to him? She wondered as she went to class


White Diamond.

"There. That's it. There you go, just like that." Winter said in a low voice as she finished her last piece of paperwork Winter was having a good day. As her hand gently gripped the hair that was being not so gently been against her length. It was like she was in a slice of heaven. A warm soft and fleshyheaven as she felt a tingling in her loins. "I am about to cum, you will swallow it all," Winter said in a cool voice as she stared down into hateful tear streak red eyes that laid under a patch of messy undone green hair covering beautiful mocha skin as she felt herself twitch.

"Here it comes, be sure you swallow," Winter said as she forced the girl to her base casing the mocha skin girl to cry out in pain as her eyes bludged out of their sockets as they were forced to the hilt.

"Open wide." TheSchnee said as she felt her balls twitch as she finally hit her climax. "Cumming!" Winter grunted as her co*ck explodedinto her mouth as the thief's eye bleed fresh tears as she glared at Winter with undisguised hatred. Not that that matter to the Schnee one bit. As her heavy balls twitched and shook as she fired another batch of long ropey spunk into the thieves tight throat before she finished up and sighed loudly.

"Now that was lovely wouldn't you agree?" She asked her captive who gurgled something intelligible to her.

"I'm sorry what was that? I Couldn't hear you; you will need to speak up."
" MFFGGHF!" The girl said as Winter chuckled at her problem.

"What's wrong? You sound like you have something caught in your throat."Winter chided as she felt teethattempt to break her skin as she giggled.

"That won't work you know? My' firths to big for that, though you are more than welcome to try, however, it feels marvelous your teeth on my co*ck." She said the thief as she glared at her.l

"Well if you want to glare like that you might as well speak your mind," Winter said as she pulled her massive co*ck out of the thief's mouth with considerable effort in an attempt to remove her sizable package before she regained her hardness and began to face f*ck the girl again. By some minor miracle, she removed all sixteen inches of his co*ck from he theifs mouth yanking it free with an audible pop! As the thief instantly gasped for air as she began to gag and choke on the stagnant air.

"Ther isn't that better?"
"f*ck YOU!You crazy ass rapist bitch!" The girl yelled as Winter chuckled at her.

"My my. you do have a voice on you? Though Ishouldn't be surprised with a throat and tongue as sharp and tight yours, it should go without saying that your tongue should be sharp as well."
"f*ck you! You damn perverted rapist!"

The girl showed to her as WiInter giggled.

"My is someone like you. A thief in any position to judge me?"

"Yes, I am! I came to steal!I didn't tie you down and rape you!" Emerald yelled as Winter eyed her captive. It was true, Emerald did come to steal form Atlas she just had the unfortuante encouter of running into Eitner hwo was in need of a tempr tigh tohr to put her seixten einche sof co*k into. Now she had ot be honest the captured girl did look quite cute with her limbs bound and tightened behind her with state of the arts Atlas cuffs, and her legs tiedto the floor with iron cuffs, spreading them revealing her tight puffy vagin* as shewas stripped naked of her clothes and laid bare on the interrogation chamber.

Winter thought she was being generous; she had not shoved her sixteen inches long and four-inch thick co*ck into her tightobviously untouched vagin* or anus. Instead of going for the much more humane option of going for her now unhinged throat.

"Now now, you don't have to yell. You are going to be a f*ck hole for some time you know? If you come willingly, I can guarantee a quite comfortable life you know?"

"f*ck you! You-

"Enough of that," Winter said as she stabbed a needle into the thief's neck making he pass out in a heap as she sighed sadly at her.

"So noisy without a co*ck in your mouth. Ah well, We'll have time for that later." WInter said before picking up her scroll and dialing number.

"Yes this is Winter. Come here and clear her up for me before delivering herto my bed room. Tie her to my bed will you?" WInter asked as she smiled at the beautiful naked girl with a belly have with her cum as she closed her scroll. A perverted smile came to her face at having a new co*ck sleeve to play with, as she turned to Emerald. Get some rest, she had spared her holes for toady but that wasnot a mercy she planned to extend to the girl twice. She hoped she was ready for Winter had no intention of being patient or gentle with the thief.

STRESS RELIEF - Chapter 1 - DesuVult123 (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.