Titans (MonsterVerse) (2024)

Titans (MonsterVerse) (1)

Titans (MonsterVerse) (2)

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The mass extinction we feared has already begun, and we are the cause. We are the infection. But like all living organisms, the Earth has unleashed a fever to fight this infection. Its original and rightful rulers, the Titans. They are part of the Earth's natural defense system. A way to protect the planet, to maintain its balance.
~ Emma Russell explaining about the Titans.

The Titans are the main protagonists of the MonsterVerse franchise.

They are an extremely powerful species of ancient, intelligent and sentient beings that originated from the Hollow Earth. Titans, as studied by Monarch, come in two categories; Protectors who are famously known for fighting against malevolent threats in order to protect and save the Earth, and Destroyers, who seek to destroy or conquer the planet and claim it as their own. They are even ancient human civilizations that coexisted with them thousands of years ago.

  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Notable Titans
    • 2.1 Godzilla (Surface's alpha)
    • 2.2 Kong (Hollow Earth's alpha)
    • 2.3 Ghidorah (Alien Titan; Former alpha)
    • 2.4 Skar King (Former alpha)
    • 2.5 Shimo
    • 2.6 Suko
    • 2.7 Mothra
    • 2.8 Rodan
    • 2.9 Shinomuras
    • 2.10 Behemoth
    • 2.11 Scylla
    • 2.12 Methuselah
    • 2.13 Tiamat
    • 2.14 Amhuluk
    • 2.15 Na Kika
    • 2.16 Eight-Legged MUTO
    • 2.17 Winged MUTO
    • 2.18 Queen MUTO
    • 2.19 MUTO Prime
    • 2.20 Camazotz
    • 2.21 Kraken
    • 2.22 Ion Dragon
    • 2.23 Frost Vark
    • 2.24 Mechagodzilla (Artificial Titan)
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 External Links
  • 5 Navigation


All Titans (except Ghidorah) were originated from the Hollow Earth, a whole ecosystem that exists inside the planet itself. At some point long ago, all Titans lived in the Earth's surface that was full of radiation in the time, ancient humans civilizations that lived there, coexisted with Titans, seeing them as deities to be worshipped. At some point, a red-furred Titanus Kong (a species of intelligent primate-like Titans) known as Skar King started a war between his kind and the Titanus Gojiras (a species of sentient reptilian-like Titans) with an attempt to take over the world's surface with the help of an ancient Titan named Shimo. The war finally ended with one of the Gojiras known as Godzilla, who trapped the tirant and his followers deep underground. Both sides had many deaths, which heavily weakened the two species.

A long time later, after the war, the Titanus Kongs and Gojiras became weakened and lowered in numbers. As time goes on, the Kongs moved to a tropical skull-shaped island that had a connection to the Hollow Earth, where they started living in from that moment on. Meanwhile, the Gojiras started becoming hunters to their previous prey, the Titanus Jinshin Mushis. After the females go through a special metamorphosis, they evolve into MUTO Primes, Titans powerful enough to not only hunt down the Gojiras, but to also use them as nests to spread over even more, which brought them to almost extinction.

On the Titanus Kong's new island, they started creating their own civilization amongst the other monstrous creatures on it while being worshipped by the human civilization known as the Iwi, who were originally from Hollow Earth, but had some move up to the surface. At some point later on, new ever-hungry creatures known as Cranium Reptant or Skullcrawlers moved to Skull Island and started disbalancing the island's ecosystem due to their rapid metabolism and started overwhelming the Kongs due to their absurd numbers, bringing them to almost extinction.

Later on at some point, Godzilla, along with a Titanus Mosura that possesses a strong symbiotic relationship with him, Mothra, fights off a Titan not like any other, a three-headed draconic Titan that came from space, Ghidorah. He came to Earth to take over the planet and take the title of Alpha, though Godzilla defended his title along with Mothra battled Ghidorah many times in the past before a day that they fought in Antarctica, Godzilla prevailed by defeating Ghidorah and imprisoned them in ice.

To be continued...

Notable Titans[]

Godzilla (Surface's alpha)[]

  • Name: Godzilla
  • Species: Titanus Gojira
  • Class: Protector
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Atomic Breath
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: The last surviving Titanus Gojira still alive and the current Alpha Titan on Earth. He is one of the oldest Titans known to this day and, alongside Kong, one of the most powerful Titans on Earth. He served as the protector of the planet's ecosystem and makes sure it is under control by forcing other Titans to submit to him, like Amhuluk and Tiamat and killing the destructive Titans that refuse to, like his enemies Shinomuras and Jinshin Mushis or even invasive species like Ghidorah. Godzilla and Mothra possess a strong symbiotic relationship, willing to fight together throughout the eras to protect the Earth at all costs. It's shown that their relation is so strong, that if Mothra passes down her energy to him, enables Godzilla to transform into Burning Godzilla. Needing power to face Skar King and Shimo, Godzilla killed Tiamat and stole her lair, which was filled with a immense ammount of radiation, allowing Godzilla to evolve into a magenta-colored form due to absorbing some Tiamat's DNA in the process.

Kong (Hollow Earth's alpha)[]

  • Name: Kong
  • Species: Titanus Kong
  • Class: Protector
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: B.E.AS.T. Glove & battle axe
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: One of the last surviving Titanus Kongs still alive, one of the few Alpha Titans and, alongside Godzilla, one of the most powerful Titans on Earth. He is one of the only survivor of his species Titanus Kong that have been almost wiped out completely by the war between the Titanus Gojiras and the Kongs and later on by the Skullcrawlers. He served as the protector of Skull Island's ecosystem, defending it from creatures that attempted to rule it like the Skullcrawlers and the Killer Chameleons or that attempt to take his title like Camazotz and the Kraken. After the Skull Island was devastated by Camazotz, Kong started living in Hollow Earth instead. After the death of Skar King, Kong became the king of his tribe, having Suko as a son and Shimo as a companion. During his past battles, Kong learned to use different weapon and two special ones were acquired by him, an ancient battle axe built using a bone and a Gojira dorsal plane and a metalic yellow gauntlet built by Monarch.

Ghidorah (Alien Titan; Former alpha)[]

  • Name: Ghidorah
  • Species: Titanus Ghidorah
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Gravity Beam
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: A mysterious, extra-terrestrial, three-headed dragon-like Titan originated from a far away planet that somehow arrived on Earth thousands of years ago, planning to conquer it and become its new Alpha Titan. He was so feared to the point that humanity wrote nothing of him, as if they were intended to be forgotten throughout the Earth's history. One day he fought both Godzilla and Mothra and Godzilla succeeded in defeating him and trapping in ice, remaining frozen for thousands of years. When Ghidorah reawakened, he gained the alpha title and tried to reshape the planet to its own desire, in the end Ghidorah fought Godzilla once again as Mothra fought her own archenemy and Ghidorah's ally, Rodan, which ended with Ghidorah being completly obliterated by Burning Godzilla, but leaving one head behind, that carried their will and was used to build the artifical Titan Mechagodzilla. Due to his connection to the robotic Titan, Ghidorah was able to take control over it, but was ultimately stopped again when Godzilla and Kong teamed up to fight and destroy Mechagodzilla.

Skar King (Former alpha)[]

  • Name: Skar King
  • Species: "Great ape"
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Whipslash
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: A cruel, ruthless and tyrannical orangutan/chimpanzee-like Titan, Skar King started a war between the Titanus Kongs and the Titanus Gojiras while seeking to take control of the surface world with his army and specially his slave Shimo. He almost won the war, but Godzilla managed to use his atomic breath to trap Skar King and his allies deep within the Earth. In 2027, Skar King found a way to travel to the surface and, with his army and Shimo, started going to war as Kong and Godzilla allied themselves once again thanks to the revived Mothra. Mothra took down most Kongs following the battle while Kong, Godzilla, Suko and Shimo defeated and killed Skar King after Suko freed her from his control, ending his reign once and for all.


  • Name: Shimo
  • Species: Titanus Shimo
  • Class: Protector
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Frost Bite Blast
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: A gigantic yet peaceful and benevolent reptilian Titan with cryokinetic abilities who was captured by Skar King and mind controlled by him using a crystal that would force her to due his bidding, leading to her becoming his minion. Shimo is said to be the "mother of all titans" and is confirmed to be one of the oldest Titans in the whole MonsterVerse. It's also revealed that Skar King intends on using Shimo to unleash a second ice age upon the surface world, only for her to later be freed from Skar King's control by Suko and, along with him, Kong and Godzilla, she teams up with them to defeat and kill her former master, ending his reign once and for all. Afterwards, Shimo would then serve Kong as she helps him protect both the Great Ape clan and the Hollow Earth from ongoing threats.


  • Name: Suko
  • Species: "Great ape"
  • Class: Protector
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: None
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: To be added


  • Name: Mothra
  • Species: Titanus Mosura
  • Class: Protector
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: God rays & silk shot
  • Status: Revived
  • Description: A benevolent, kind-hearted and gentle insectoid-like Titan who is worshipped by an ancient human civilization. Throughout many battles she fought, Mothra had died many times and eventually was reborn due to her eggs that were scattered throughout the planet. Due to the many times Mothra died and reborned, she lost the fear of death and would willingly give away her life as long as it's for a greater good. Mothra and Godzilla possess a strong symbiotic relationship, willing to fight together throughout the eras to protect the Earth at all costs. It's shown that their relation is so strong, that passing down her energy to Godzilla, enables him to transform into Burning Godzilla. In 2027, thanks to Jia, Mothra was revived in an Iwi tribe to help Godzilla and Kong fight against Skar King and his forces in order to save both Earth and the Hollow Earth.


  • Name: Rodan
  • Species: Titanus Rodan
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Heat
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: A malicious fiery pterosaur-like Titan known as the Fire Demon due to his volcanic abilities. He's a hostile and proud Titan, but will always bow down to the strongest Alpha he encounters, first Ghidorah and later Godzilla after the former's death. Not much is known about his past, but it's clear in cave paintings that he had fights with other unseen Titans.


  • Name: Shinomuras
  • Species: Unknown
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: None
  • Weapons: Itself
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: Parasatic starfish-like creature who together can form giant dragon-like Titans with a scorpium tail, they're capable of uniting into one and even splitting into more too. Two colonies of them awoke in the present time and battled Godzilla, their natural predator, both fused into at one point, but eventually, Godzilla manages to oblitarate while the other is destroyed by a nuclear bomb shot by the humans in an attempt to kill both it and Godzilla.


  • Name: Behemoth
  • Species: Titanus Behemoth
  • Class: Protector
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: None
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: tba...


  • Name: Scylla
  • Species: Titanus Scylla
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Silk shot
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: An aquatic spider-like Titan with a squid-like face who's constantly hunting down radiation to feed and strenghten herself as much as possible. Even though Scylla bowed to Godzilla after he killed Ghidorah, she has faced Godzilla in battle twice as she saught for food in the form of radiation, which Godzilla didn't allow due to it causing huge damage to the ecosystem, and in the second battle, Godzilla finally had enough of her stubborness and killed her, exploding her body with his atomic breath.


  • Name: Methuselah
  • Species: Titanus Methuselah
  • Class: Unknown
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Unknown
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: tba...


  • Name: Tiamat
  • Species: Titanus Tiamat
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Water & Phosphorous ink
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: A gigantic sea serpent Titan who travels around the world through the Hollow Earth tunnels under the sea, it is extremely agressive and territorial. It once killed a Titanus Kong who once defeated a younger Godzilla only take the Kong's home, and even managed to almost defeat Godzilla, but in a weakened state. Not long later, when Godzilla needed more power to face Skar King, his army, and his slave Shimo, so he fought Tiamat once again, but due to being way more powerful than in their first fight, Godzilla effortlessly defeats and kills her, slicing her body into pieces and stopping her attempts to take over his title for good. Even though Tiamat died, Godzilla as he evolved into a more powerful form, he absorbed some of her DNA into himself.


  • Name: Amhuluk
  • Species: Titanus Amhuluk
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Telekinesis
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: tba...

Na Kika[]

  • Name: Na Kika
  • Species: Titanus Na Kika
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Unknown
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: tba...

Eight-Legged MUTO[]

  • Name: Femuto
  • Species: Titanus Jinshin Mushi
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Unknown
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: tba...

Winged MUTO[]

  • Name: Hokmuto
  • Species: Titanus Jinshin Mushi
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Electromagnetic pulse
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: tba...

Queen MUTO[]

  • Name: Queen MUTO
  • Species: Titanus Jinshin Mushi
  • Class: Unknown
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Unknown
  • Status: Alive
  • Description: tba...

MUTO Prime[]

  • Name: MUTO Prime
  • Species: Titanus Jinshin Mushi
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Female
  • Weapons: Sonic roar
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: It is the final and ultimate stage of the MUTOs' lifecycle. She is the mother of the two MUTOs that attacked Godzilla in 2014 and the killer of Dagon. Her kind is the reason that brought the Titanus Gojiras to near extinction after the war between them and the Titanus Kongs. MUTOs Prime are known to hunt down other Titans for breeding purposes, using their ovipositors to inject their eggs into them so they absorb the Titans' radiation until they eventually die. She awakened shortly after Godzilla slayed her children and after absorbing a large ammount of radiation, she was strong enough to beat Godzilla, but thanks to the humans's Orca prototype, she was distracted for enough time to Godzilla send her flying into the air and after she fell back down, he had the chance to crush her head, killing her once and for all.


  • Name: Camazotz
  • Species: Titanus Camazotz
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Male
  • Weapons: Sonic screech
  • Status: Unknown
  • Description: A hellish and destructive bat-like Titan who came from the Hollow Earth and was one of the many Titans Ghidorah had awakened to cause worldwide mass extinction. After Ghidorah was slain by Godzilla, who became the new ruling alpha Titan, Camazotz returned to the Hollow Earth under Skull Island. Two years later in 2021, he reemerges to usurp dominion of the island for himself, only to be eventually stopped by Kong, however, it's unknown if the bat survived the fight.


  • Name: Kraken
  • Species: Unknown
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Weapons: Electricity & venom
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: A malevolent aquatic Titan who prowls Skull Island's surrounding waters and later seeks to kill and usurp Kong. In its desire to rule Skull Island, the beast once attempted to draw out Kong to the shore by attacking Spanish islanders. Decades later, Kong was lured to the Kraken's domain to eliminate the aquatic threat, where the two battled viciously with Kong ultimately killing it, tearing it apart and throwing its remains flying.

Ion Dragon[]

  • Name: Ion Dragon
  • Species: Unknown
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Weapons: None
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: A draconic Titan which was discovered in the Philippines in 1952, where it was the culprit of the USS Lawton's destruction.

Frost Vark[]

  • Name: Frost Varak
  • Species: Unknown
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Weapons: Heat absorption
  • Status: Deceased
  • Description: A highly-aggressive mammalian Titan with the ability to rapidly decrease the temperature of things and freeze them via inhalation. It dwells in the remote high mountains of western Alaska, somewhere between Nome and Point Barrow.

Mechagodzilla (Artificial Titan)[]

  • Name: Mechagodzilla
  • Species: Titanus Gojira-like mecha
  • Class: Destroyer
  • Gender: None
  • Weapons: Missiles, electric punches & Proton Scream
  • Status: Destroyed
  • Description: After Ghidorah's severed head was retrieved, it was used by Apex Cybernetics to create Mechagodzilla, a robotic version of Godzilla created solely for destroying all Titans on Earth and slowly the Earth itself by Walter Simmons. However, Ghidorah's head would secretly regain sentience and take control of the mecha in order to get revenge on Godzilla for his previous defeat in 2019.


  • Titan blood contains uranium in their composition.
  • Titan waste can be used as a very viable source of fuel.
  • The Titanus Jinshin Mushis are more commonly named after the term, M.U.T.O. or Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Object, the term that's used to refer to all Titans.
  • All the Titans communicate using a same bioacoustic frequency, allowing the ORCA, a sonar device created by Emma Russell and her husband Mark to communicate with whales, orcas and the Titans, enabling humans to replicate these bioacoustics.
  • The use of "Titanus" to refer to the several species of Titan is a bit problematic as it's also the genus the Titan beetle (Titanus giganteus) belongs to, not to mention the several species belong to different taxonomic classes.

External Links[]

  • Titans/MUTOS on the Godzilla Wiki


Titans (MonsterVerse) (3) Villains

King Ghidorah
Rodan |M.U.T.O. (M.U.T.O. Prime) |Skullcrawlers (Skull Devil) |Shinomura |Camazotz |Camazotz's Minions |Genitor |Genitor Swarm |Scylla |Amhuluk |Tiamat |Kraken |Ion Dragon |Frost Vark |Skar King |Shimo |Red Stripes (One-Eye, Stone-Fist, Catcher & Knob)

Apex Cybernetics
Walter Simmons |Ren Serizawa |Maia Simmons |Brenda Holland

Alan Jonah |Emma Russell |Asher Jonah |Asaj |Sergeant Baker |Lieutenant Bottin |Corporal Winston |Sergeant Travis

RM Construction
Raymond Martin |Titan Hunter

Preston Packard |Walter R. Riccio

Titans (MonsterVerse) (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.