BitLife: Life Simulator Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for iPhone (2024)

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BitLife: Life Simulator Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for iPhone (1)

  • Developer: Groom Lake Development, Llc
  • Publisher: Groom Lake Development, Llc
  • Genre: Strategy
  • Release: Sep 30, 2018
  • Platform: iPhone - iPad
  • ESRB: Not Set


Hints & Secrets

Playthrough Strategy Tips

The good thing about this game is that you can perform as many actions as you want each year - there are no limits. So if you want to visit the club 100 times in a row, just go for it! This is useful in some situations, but the bonuses from other activities (like going to the Gym or reading a book) don't add up, so performing them more than once doesn't make any sense.

During your younger years, you can select to study hard. That is something that you should do each year in order to increase your chances of getting a scholarship (and not having to take on a student loan) or getting a better job eventually. Or you can work on your looks and follow the route I took first - which led to an amazing life: become an exotic dancer. I had that position for 58 years, making awesome money and definitely becoming the main attraction of the show after reaching my 50s. Then 60s. Then 70s. The only problem I had was that they apparently did not contribute to my retirement fund, because once retired, I didn't receive any more money. Ouch!

Living your virtual life safe and sound will definitely help you break longevity records, but it won't be as fun as cheating on your spouse, going out drinking, getting into fights and having all sorts of fun. In the end, it's your choice and you can play whatever persona you want to - but give the crazy part of life a try as well if you haven't, too see the challenges and more of the things that the game has to offer. The same goes for the other side - try a safe and sound route if you've only played the drunken villain. You'll see the difference!

There's nothing better than winning some tens of millions of dollars and, even though the chances are extremely low in real life, they seem to be a bit higher in the game. I am able to win the lottery every 3-4 games, which is really fun. So don't forget to buy a ton of tickets each year!

As soon as you get sick, make sure to visit a doctor - a REAL doctor - in order to solve your problem. I only visited the Witch Doctor once and he or she game me something strange to eat, resulting in a huge drop in my stats. Real doctors it is ever since!

Going to the theater basically has you watch an ad, but the effects on your character are not that impressive. You will build up the relationship with the person you're inviting to go to the theater with you, while also getting a bit of a boost yourself. Consider it an extra that you can apply for each year in case you need a stat boost for free.

Your main challenge in the game is to keep all your stats in the green for as long as possible. If you do this, you will live a long life and the game itself will be a lot easier. Don't risk it with plastic surgeries or anything else as long as things go well. If they start to go downhill and the risks are lower than the potential benefits, try some more extreme ways. But you can easily keep everything in check if you visit the club often when young, and do all the Mind & Spirit activities each year. Mix in some holidays every now and then and add the visits to the theater when you need them and you should have no trouble keeping all those stats at maximum levels!

From: PeterpotaNov 9, 2018


All ribbons Guide

Let's see how to unlock all ribbons in BitLife: Life Simulator!

  • Lazy: This is probably the easiest one to get and my first ribbon in the game. All you have to do is to keep tapping the "Age" button until your character passes away. You don't really have to do anything in particular but leave a completely uninteresting life, where you did absolutely nothing.
  • Fertile: Another easy one to get. All you have to do is have at least 4 children in BitLife. Start early!
  • Wasteful: Extremely easy to get. Just tap the "Activities" button, then scroll all the way to the bottom and choose "End Life". You can do this immediately after starting a game.
  • Rich: Another relatively easy one to get if you follow my tips to get money in the game (you'll find the link at the bottom of this article). In order to unlock this ribbon, you will need to have a networth of at least 2.5 million.
  • Unlucky: You have no control over this, but it does happen every several playthroughs. You unlock this when you die very young because of a disease. Some say that if you die in an accident (like car crash) or of a terminal illness at any age, you still unlock it - need confirmation from you guys in the comment section if it's indeed true.
  • Mediocre: A bit difficult to differentiate from Lazy. You will generally have to go through life without caring much about things, and being... well... mediocre. Try to ignore all potential conflicts, don't try anything exciting, follow a mediocre job (with a lower salary) and don't do anything particularly good or evil. Try to simply keep your character in a very boring life, but without simply tapping the "Age" button randomly.
  • Academic: Somewhat the opposite of Mediocre, in order to get this you have to focus a lot on studying, so study hard each year in school, complete the college and keep your smarts high during the game, following a job that takes advantage of those smarts!
  • Lustful: Relatively easy to get, especially if you have the looks. Have as many hook-ups as possible when the chance arises and you'll get this one when your life ends.
  • Scandalous: Be an evil person, always starting fights, spending your years in prison and doing evil stuff whenever you have the chance.
  • Hero: The opposite of Scandalous, you'll have to be a very good person in order to get this one. Forgive people, help them and have high karma here. Getting a job in the military apparently helps a lot if you want to get this ribbon in BitLife. Also being a doctor or nurse.
  • Loaded: A really difficult one to get, as you need to end your life with at least $30 million net worth. (Some say that $20 million is enough - I'll test it out and see if it works with $20 million too).

From: Cheat legendNov 26, 2018


14 new ribbons (Christmas update)

If you want to keep track of the ribbons you have unlocked and not see just their numbers, you will have to select the "Haunt this game" option when your character dies in order to save the funeral stone, together with the attached ribbon. This makes it a lot easier to know what you have and what is left for you to unlock.

New BitLife Ribbon: Addict
This one is really simple to get. All you have to do is try all the alcoholic drinks that are offered to you during your life, or try drugs until you become addicted to one or more. Don't go to rehab to get rid of your addiction and you'll get this ribbon.

This one is really difficult to get: In order to unlock it, you will have to not only escape from jail, but also make sure that you are not caught until your life is over. I am thinking about trying to commit suicide a year after escaping from jail in order to maybe glitch-get this ribbon, but I am not sure it will work, it's risky. In order to get the ribbon, check out our guide to escaping from jail in BitLife, then keep a low profile and never be caught again. I found out that the easiest thing to do to prevent you from getting caught is getting a gender changing surgery and not getting a job. If you don't have the money and you need a job, get something very low profile and low paying.

To get this ribbon, you will have to commit at least two murders in your life. This might be difficult since the first one will get you in jail almost inevitably (if it doesn't, it is easy to get it). But even if you are in jail you can still fight other inmates when there's a chance and start riots and such and you might end up getting your second after an incident. Or you can try getting out of jail to do it again once in the wild.

Become a super star, by getting an acting job (in any industry). Make sure to post a lot on social media and get tons of followers, but try to keep your overall net worth low in order to get the loaded ribbon. This is a bit more difficult to be done than it sounds, but you should be able to waste a lot of money by buying tons of expensive cars early on (as their value decreases) and take any opportunity you have to waste money.

Live a long, happy life and get over 100 years with your bitizen. In order to get this ribbon, always look at your health and meditate, never risking anything. Keep an eye on your net worth as well and keep it under control not to get the Rich or Loaded instead!

Travel a lot, without having a ton of money, though. Visit as many countries as possible during your lifetime. Some say that emigrating also helps, but if you're able to travel a lot to many different countries, you should get it without a problem.

In order to get this ribbon, you will have to choose the job of a mobile game developer as your career. In order to do this, get high smarts and follow a degree in computer science. Then aim for this job and look at your Employee names too!
Photo source: Reddit

High Roller
Gamble a lot of money, but also win big every now and then. Bets of tens of thousands or hundreds or dollars will be required here.

This one is relatively simple to get: simply escape from jail (and escape again if you are caught).

As the name suggests, this is another prison-themed ribbon in BitLife. In order to get it, you will have to spend many years (most of your life) in prison. Make sure to get there for assault or other non-deadly crimes in order to get this ribbon and not another. Then try to escape and fail or incite riots once inside in order to get longer sentences.

The name is also pretty self-explanatory here. Live the life of a party boy or girl, going to the club often and having huge parties at home once the club is not an option anymore (or even when it is). Try all drinks that are offered and even drugs, but immediately go to rehab if you get addicted. You should also get into arguments with other people, but not fight them.

Keep your smarts low and make stupid choices in life. Don't focus on learning, drop out of high school and don't go to college.

This one is really difficult to get, since it's a close call with other ribbons from the first batch. I would say that you would have to basically live the generic, suburban life. Have a family, a stable job - but nothing too spectacular, have some money put aside and travel a bit, make good choices in life and be a good person generally.

There are multiple ways to get this ribbon... and all are wicked. One of the easiest ways is to keep your looks really high and marry a person that is much older than you, then cheat on them constantly. Also, getting an STD and passing it over to other lovers will do the trick, as it will having a lot of threesomes during your life.

From: RemyDec 27, 2018


Steal Cars GTA Guide

The option to start taking cars and trucks is offered in the Crime menu, as quickly as it is unlocked. This is a quite great feature that in fact has higher success rates that the other criminal offense offered in the menu. When you pick the Steal a Car option, you will be revealed a new menu, asking you to select a lorry.

Based upon attempting numerous methods and cars and trucks, I would state that your best choices are with the less expensive, more generic vehicles. These are the vehicles that do not cost a lot of money: consider something in the 10k-- 25k range. The higher the cost of the vehicle, the higher the possibility of you getting captured and/or apprehended.

It's essential to know that, when you take a look at the worth of the vehicle, if you prepare selling it, you will get less than half of that amount (normally just around a 3rd). If you're truly desperate for money, you may desire to risk it with a more costly vehicle: if you do it right, you will get abundant! When trying to take a cars and truck, you will have 3 possible results:

  • Success: in this case, you can either discard the cars and truck or sell it. Merely ditch the automobile or you run the threat of getting captured if you can't find a purchaser ASAP.
  • Get captured by the owner: in this case, you will have an opportunity to eliminate prison by employing an attorney (another new feature generated by the upgrade). Legal representatives are costly, however they will decrease your sentence or avoid you from entering into prison totally.
  • Get detained by the police: in this case, you'll wind up in prison as you are captured taking the cars and truck, however an attorney may still help. If you get the message that you can't make the vehicle start, I discovered out that the opportunities of getting apprehended or captured boost a lot.

From: Jawge10Jan 16, 2019


Pick to Reside In the USA of America

The initial purpose of this challenge is to be a resident of the United States of America. This is the simplest goal to complete given that you do not require to have a Bitzen subscription to select your beginning country. Merely establish your birth place to be USA as well as you are great to go! You can also move to the United States if you live someplace else. You require to be 18 years of ages prior to you can move, and also you need to ensure that you do not enter any kind of difficulty.

Prevent criminal activity, remain in institution, make some money, as well as you should have the ability to conform to the United States without missteps, though the most convenient technique is to just start in the United States!

The Power of Christ Compels You

Successive, you'll require to come to be imbued with the divine spirit itself. That's right-- you require to end up being an authentic exorcist, as well as according to BitLife this is just a task you can enter without any previous training! Once you're a grown-up and also maintain an eye out for the exorcist work, take an appearance at the full time task listings every year. It's not actually known whether this work needs specific credit to go to details levels or otherwise, due to the fact that from evaluating it appears that this task shows up randomly.

Just progress a year and also maintain examining till it does if it does not show up. This action of the challenge is rather dependent on arbitrary good luck, so do not be inhibited if it does not show up as soon as possible. In the mean time, it is highly advised to find an additional full time task elsewhere to ensure that you can acquire some dough. You're mosting likely to need to purchase a house for the following action, which can be rather pricey so it's ideal to be prepared.

From: MazyooNaNov 5, 2020


Joining gangs Guide

In other words, if you wish to join a gang, you should start at a very young gang and dedicate a lots of minor criminal offenses to develop a criminal credibility. We extremely suggest beginning at age 8, as this will be the age most criminal offenses will unlock for the player. You will also require to dedicate a lots of criminal activities at age 8, and whenever you age up until more major criminal activities unlock, such as bank burglaries and vehicle thief. Both of which unlock at age sixteen, so when you reach this age, you will wish to switch to more major criminal offenses.

Keep doing this till you reach age eighteen, as you will have the ability to join different orderly criminal offense households at this age. If you are looking for more street-level gangs, there aren't any, and the only thing close to it is jail gangs. You require to be sent out to jail if you desire to join a jail gang. This will not be hard if you are devoting a lots of criminal activities, as on a regular basis, you will get captured and sent out away. when you get sent out to jail

That stated, you will have a couple of choices once you remain in jail. Among these will be to join a jail gang, and it will be under Gangs in the jail activities. You will require to have high regard in order to join some of these gangs. To earn regard, you will require to dedicate different criminal offenses and actions while in jail. The following is a list of all of these actions.

Enter into battles
Start Riots
Dedicate murder or murder while in jail.

High regard is essential in joining gangs, however other gangs will have special requirements that you will require to satisfy based upon the name of the gang. Inspect the list listed below if you desire to know what these requirements are.

How to join every Prison gang in Bitlife

  • Bitizen Mafia - You require the highest amount of regard in order to join.
  • Killbillies - Requires High regard, and you require to enter a lots of battles.
  • Golden Girls - You require to be a minimum of age 65 and as much as join this gang.
  • Switchblade Sisterhood - Requires High regard, and you require to enter a lots of battles.
  • Wrinkly Sneaks - You require to be a minimum of age 65 and approximately join this gang.
  • Heck's Angels - You require to be both feared and have high regard to join.
  • puss*foots - There is no requirement to join this gang, as it is the weakest out of all of them.
  • Beefcake Bandits - You need to have high appearances of a minimum of 80 percent to join this gang.
  • Tattletale Squad - There is no requirement to join this gang, as it is the weakest out of all of them.
  • Sexy Syndicate - You need to have high appearances of a minimum of 80 percent to join this gang.
  • Illegal Jailiens - To join this gang, you need to be born from another country.
  • Smart Sistas - You require to have high smarts to join this gang.
  • Brain Brothas - You require to have high smarts to join this gang.
  • Harley's Angels - You require to be both feared and have high regard to join.
  • Cash Money Wreckers - You require to have a lots of money in your checking account in order to join.
  • Blue Ball Bulls - You require to be both vicious and appreciated to join this gang.
  • The Plastics - You require to be both vicious and appreciated to join this gang.

From: ZakharMay 14, 2021


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Walkthrough (iOS)

  • Walkthrough Part 1
  • From: App_Un

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  • Added on: Oct 15, 2020

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