Immortal Champion (Immortal Brotherhood, #3) (2024)


246 reviews188 followers

February 4, 2012

A hearty golf clap for Ms. Hendrix. Bravo, Ms. Hendrix, bravo. She wound up slowly, but, after two problematic installments, Lisa Hendrix finally throws an outstanding pitch in her third Immortal Brotherhood (IB) novel, Immortal Champion.

Immortal Warrior, IB #1, while a great debut, read lukewarm without enough conflict, peaks or dramas. Immortal Outlaw improved on the original by a passionate hero yet suffered a lackluster plot. Champion delivers on both romance and adventure fronts, following Gunnar, once a viking warrior and now a cursed werebull, and his love interest Lady Eleanor de Neville.

Eleanor and Gunnar meet when he saves her from a fire one night and again, four years later in a reunion surprisingly realistic. Gunnar attracts Eleanor instantly, but her powerful father schemes to marry her well. Hendrix exploits the Neville-Percy feud for her characters and casual references to cottars, word choices in exposition like "parlous," even Norse mythology, reveal that Hendrix researched her novel and enriches her narrative with detail and setting, but readers need no familiarity with the War of the Roses or the feud, just love for period. Hendrix takes advantage of fun medieval staples like tourneys, arranged marriages, and courtly love while maintaining focus and paring away the irrelevant.

She focuses on Eleanor and Gunnar, whom I never really doubted since we witness their courtship and growing relationship. That cuteness and slow burn contrasted well with later, more violent adventures, so that we saw both the sweet, humorous Gunnar and the deadly warrior, both a charming Eleanor and a steely lady. I enjoyed them along with the secondary cast and stories, Lucy, Percy, Mary, John, even Anne. While they never overtook the narrative, Hendrix's careful fleshing of every character, no one a prop, made Champion a joy to read. I wanted books for all of them.

In addition to each character's conflicts, evil witch Cwen continues to haunt the brotherhood in Champion. Hendrix builds an original mythos from vikings, their totems, and a new spin on the results of their plundering. The men take the form of dog, stallion, wolf, bear, bull, eagle, hart, lion, raven-- risky that she doesn't keep to the usual suspects, big cats and wolves, but creative and more relevant to these men, each with their own personalities.

One might expect these layers to produce a bloated or meandering narrative, but Champion's surprisingly tight, every scene selected to move the story forward, nothing dragging or superfluous. The end slowed, but otherwise, readers will hardly notice the pages turning. Champion remains mostly a historical romance and best for those readers, but anyone interested should give it a try. I'm certainly glad I stuck with this series, and I hope the next book's even better! Solid four stars!

PS. Four stars for the heat too. These guys are not kidding around. ;)

    historical paranormal-romance


146 reviews7 followers

February 21, 2011

Shape shifting for me is…okay. Historical Fiction…I love. So, when Immortal Champion came on my radar, I thought, why not? Personally, I would have passed on the style of cover, because it usually represents books I don’t have much interest in; however, I had been hearing some good things about this story. So, I took the chance to crawl out of my box of love for Regencies to give it a try.

Okay, now here is the part where I get to GUSH over this book! I loved, loved it! (See what happens when you try something new?) The story between Gunnar and Eleanor is simply incredible. I love that the author took her time with their relationship and didn’t gloss it up. Real issues, real problems, overcome by a deep and true love for each other equals a very happy ending. Hendrix pays a lot of attention to small details. Everything had a reason and explanation. I didn’t feel the urge (not once!) to roll my eyes and force myself to carry on, as if it made sense. I think that is extremely hard to do when you are dealing with paranormal writing. It takes a talented writer to draw me into the story like that, but she did….hook, line, and sinker!

Eleanor’s character was diligent and unwavering. She knew what she wanted and held on to it, despite everything. The mark of a faithful woman. Gunnar was a champion (no pun intended). He makes you believe in knights and heroes—albeit reluctant ones. His strong sense of character made me wish **sigh** that there were more men like him around these days. He’s not a terribly complicated man, but he rings true in every action and word. On a funnier note, I also noticed that he has a propensity to say, ‘balls’ a lot. (Couldn’t help adding this in…) J

I was SO happy for Eleanor and Gunnar’s ending. I hate when I come to the end of a book that I enjoy, only to know that it is over and I can’t get any more of it. This was the case for Immortal Champion. However, I’m not completely let down, because the story is one in a long series of books. Other heroes and heroines, other love stories, each taking place in different points in time. I think it was very clever on the part of Ms. Hendrix to plot these books out this way. Moving through time keeps the overall concept fresh and interesting. Immortal Warrior and Immortal Outlaw precede Immortal Champion in the Immortal Brotherhood series, each of which is most definitely going to be added to my TBR pile!

I highly recommend this to historical romance and paranormal romance readers alike, but also think it appeals across the board to all types of romance readers.


4,678 reviews82 followers

April 25, 2014

In the third series installment, bull shifter Gunnar the Red is travelling with his friend wolf shifter Jafri, when Cwen deepens the bitter cold to England

This entire review and others can be found at:

    adult always-worth-re-reading favorites

LWB Marissa

78 reviews55 followers

January 19, 2011

Nine Norse warriors were cursed for eternity by the dark magic of the sorceress Cwen after they had killed her son in a raid for treasure. They were forced to spend half of each day as humans and the other half as beasts, each warrior a different beast. But hopes shines on the horizon for the curse can be broken by finding true love and their amulet. Two warriors broke the sorceress’ curse already, now Cwen is furious and has vowed to never ever let the remaining seven warriors undo her spell. To make life even more unbearable she has immersed England in a true, harsh winter. And so starts the story of Gunnar, son of Hrólfr, also known as Gunnar the Red, cursed to spend his days as a great bull and his nights as a human…

Although Gunnar and his fellow warrior Jafri usually keep to the wild, the cold winter forces them to seek shelter and warmth at Richmond Castle, Jafri during the day and Gunnar at night. Gunnar tries to keep a low profile but when a fire occurs he immediately helps and saves two young damsels in distress, Lady Eleanor de Neville and her cousin Lucy. Eleanor is immediately taken with him but Gunnar leaves the same night knowing he cannot stay any longer. But the Nornir (fate-spinners) have woven their life-strands firmly together and so they meet again four years later. Eleanor is no longer a girl and she and Gunnar are consumed by their passion, this convinces Gunnar that he has found his true love at last, but Eleanor is promised to another man. Political scheming, misunderstandings and honor keep them apart, yet once again the Nornir throw them together. But love alone does not break the curse and ends Gunnar’s torment, not if Cwen has anything to say about it…

If Lisa Hendrix had lived in the past, she probably would have been a skald in the Viking Age. There is something about Hendrix’s voice that pulls you straight into her story, from page one she throws you back in time to the 14th century and thanks to her keen eye for historical details it feels very authentic. With a fluent, even-paced, but stunning storyline she kept me intrigued and she urged me to keep on reading Immortal Champion by blending a great, emotional charged romance with a fascinating legend and paranormal elements. It was a wonderful ride through a range of emotions; I already loved Hendrix’s first two stories in this series and Gunnar’s story made me fall in love all over again with the Immortal Brotherhood.

Of course I am a bit biased, I love a good historical romance and when I read the words Viking, curse and brotherhood in a blurb I am sold. Besides the thrilling ongoing plotline, Lisa Hendrix really has me hooked with her characters, each of her Norse warriors make me week in the knees. Her heroines are not annoying or completely helpless; neither are they G.I. Janes (I hate that). They are spirited and smart. Hendrix’s characters are three-dimensional, they feel real and they take you with them on their emotional journey to find their HEA.

I was so rooting for Gunnar and Eleanor; they had so many obstacles in their way to find each other. Gunnar is the kind of hero you fall in love with immediately, he is betrayed by love and his curse weighs heavy on his shoulders, his torment is heart-wrenching. He is a real warrior; strong, loyal, honorable and full of hope to one day break his curse. He is mysterious yet always in control except when it comes to Eleanor.

And Eleanor is a great heroine, she has her own bucket full of trouble. As a lady in her position she tries to make the best of her life but she is just another pawn in her father’s wheeling and dealings. She is loyal to her family, is smart, resourceful, bold and fearless. She learns quickly to outwit her father. I loved the chemistry between her and Gunnar, as a reader I got a good sense of their inner-workings, their insecurities, issues and desires. They are perfect for each other!

There are many secondary characters enhancing this book. The sorceress Cwen remains a mystery to me but throughout the story it becomes clear that she is regaining power again as years go by. Gunnar’s fellow warriors Brand, Ari, Jafri and Torvald drop by and I have a feeling that Brand and Ari are going to be important characters for future parts in this series. Eleanor’s family is well represented, some of them are very warm and likeable others are not. And then you have Lucy and Percy, not only are they good friends of Eleanor but they are also very important for Gunnar’s hea. I loved their part in the story.

The plotline of this story is fabulous, a perfect mix of myth, history, magic and romance. With each book we learn a little more about the brotherhood’s curse and Cwen. And yet it looks like breaking the curse is going to be more difficult and complicated with each book. There are many details and little sub plotlines within the plot and somehow they all come together at the end of the book, therefore it is impossible to put the book down!

Lisa Hendrix has penned down another winner with Immortal Champion and I already crave for the next part in the series. Let’s just hope we get to read the stories of all remaining warriors.

So Immortal Champion in a nutshell: brilliant, mesmerizing and addictive to the very last page! A must-read!

4.5 stars

Phylisha Stone

1,146 reviews4 followers

August 6, 2018

Once again a great read in this series. Already looking forward to #4!!


Author4 books2,435 followers

August 10, 2018

Fairly solid read. Not too bad. =)


465 reviews6 followers

November 14, 2022


January 6, 2011

I have to admit with reading this novel I stepped a bit out of my comfort zone. I love Paranormal Romance but Historicals aren't just made for me. But I really enjoyed Kate Pearce's Kiss of the Rose so I thought perhaps the mix of these two genres could be something for me after all. I did have some struggles with this novel but they were all historical related and all in all it was a good read.

We meet Gunnar, one of a group of cursed Viking Warriors enduring their forsaken life, damned to be in his case a bull through the day, and free to roam as a human at night. He mostly lives a secluded life then with time the humans start to get suspicious with someone who doesn't age and never shows himself in daylight. It's a complicated life that makes hime more and more a loner. He bides his time and only breaches society when he has no other choice and the possibility of being discovered is small. He's a good man with rough edges and perhaps not enough soft skills. He has betrayal in his past and it shows in his actions but with time even his cold heart gets caught.

On the other hand we have Lady Eleanor. I won't go into detail about her social standing because to be honest I can't for the life of me keep track of those. It confused the hell out me, I managed to keep track of the most important characters but for me this part of the British history with all those siblings and different wifes makes keeping track near impossible. But back to Eleanor. She is a strong woman and not at all your typical lady. She is brave but even she can't escape the obligations of her position. She is spirited and quite funny but knows what honor is. She won't back down from a promise no matter how much she hates what it makes her do. I really liked her as a character.

The romance between these two builds up rather slow. The most time I was a bit disapointed that these two were apart so often. They romance itself didn't have much time to get stronger or to grab my attention more. In the second half of the book this changed completely, the two of them got some screentime together and at some points it got way too cheesy for me. I think this mostly resulted in the missing connection I had to their romance. I like them both as individuals but I not could completely follow why they were in love. Yes I got the sexual attraction, not hard to do that with a smexy Viking hero but the love aspect deluded me a bit.

Another problem for me was the social pressure on the heroine. This part is nothing I should complain about in a book set in the era but I really hated what she had to endure. I would have never been able to survive living in this time and I'm so happy I don't. I think perhaps I don't like historicals as much as others do because I don't enjoy reading about woman being forced to marry men they don't love and see them being forced to become the "breeding" thing everyone wants her to be. Even this word "breeding" angers me so much I could really start a rant. I'm just not made to give up the freedom we have in our rather mondern society.

In contrast to the historical aspect I love the paranormal world Ms Hendrix sets her novel. I love the Nordic legends, thanks to BF and you can feel how much time and love was spent researching the facts. Ms Hendrix has a way to draw you into her world without you noticing how much time she actually takes to explain the world- it's mostly done through showing and not telling- so exactly the way it should be done.

The plot in Immortal Champion was captivating but every thing, like the romance moved at a slow pace. I could follow the whole plot even though I haven't read the two previous novels. I loved how the rest of our Viking was woven into the story- it adds a wonderful diversity to the story without taking our actual attention off the main protagonists. The plot itself was intriguing and complex but the solution at the end was rather obvisious from the start- or I was just lucky about guessing right.

Immortal Champion was an entertaining read even though it has a big historical touch. I love the Vikings and the paranormal aspects they bring to this novel. It's a story about love and honor- and how these two can stand in each other way. I know I want to know what kind of adventures our warriors will have in the future novels because a bird told me the main plot will move drastically into the future. Recommended read for all lovers historcials set in Kind Henry's time.

    2010 2010-12 historical

Paranormal Romance

1,237 reviews46 followers

February 21, 2023

Seeking shelter from the blistering cold, the hero warms himself by the fire. Wanting to draw no attention to himself else his strange behavior tip others off that he is not a normal man, he secludes himself for the night, knowing in the morning the curse will be upon him.

He wakes that night to chaos. The house is on fire and people are scrambling to save those they can and themselves as well. The hero takes notice of 2 young girls at the top the stairs that others have forgotten and charges to their rescue. Barely making it out alive, the hero is proclaimed a hero and offered warm gratitude and gifts, none more special than the innocent kiss of the young girl he saved. But, his life is that of a traveler and for good reason. He must be away else his curse be discovered.

The heroine waited eagerly for 4 years for her champion to return as he said he would. But as she spent her time and money on stitching him clothing to show her affection and appreciation, counting the days hoping today would be the day he would return, she soon realized that he was not coming. She resigned herself that he would not charge in and rescue her from her betrothal.... And then 4 years later he returns. The same handsome man he was back then but while she is brimming with happiness to see him again, he does not recognize her. No matter, she will set him to right first. There, under the watchful eyes of her father, the heroine secretly shows the hero how much she has grown. They sneak tender caresses in the cover of darkness and share knowing glances when they think no one is watching. She loves her champion and the hero loves her in return. He wants her for wife and is he is correct in thinking she is one, she can save him from his curse. But life tears them apart once again. The heroine father discovers their relationship and the heroine is quickly wed to another man. Lost in a sea of pain and torment, the hero watches as they woman he loves seemingly falls in love with another man. But the heroine has learned to be smart and use what life has given her for her own gain. She may not have loved her husband but she knows he was a good man and with his death, she may be sad but now she is free. The gods seem to have smile upon the hero as she is once again thrust into his presence by fate. Now the task comes to not only finally have this woman for his own, but to accept that she can love a beast such as himself.

Sad as it is to know this book is the last published book in the series, it certainly is a way to go out with a bang. I absolutely loved this book for too many reasons to count but most pressing in my mind is the realism surrounding this paranormal historical romance. The fact that the love between the hero and heroine, while true and everlasting, was not easily won and that life seemed to both draw them together but also tear them apart. The ways and customs of the times played a large part in why their courtship had to span close to 7 years and the time and effort spent trying to bed together made the final union all the sweeter. The hero very much embodied the temperament of his spirit animal. He was usually calm and docile but when riled he was a bull of man. He, like his brothers, had much torment to his heart on behalf of the curse and while he had the prospect of freedom, it was hard fought and he had to watch his woman marry another man before she was free to be with him. The heroine was a lovely character. Selfless, innocent and helplessly in love with her champion from the second he saved her life to the day she was able to marry him. No matter his curse, no matter circ*mstances of a noble woman of her time, no matter the hero’s own doubts and hesitations, she loved him. I loved that about her. Young as she was, she was able to love as deeply as anyone and hold true to that devotion. I was in love with this story. The heartbreak, the forbidden love and the precious moments the characters could spend in each other’s arms. All came together to create a lasting PNR novel and one I will remember for some time. I truly wish this author would continue this series so we could see more the warriors earn their freedom but if this was the last, it was a pleasure.

    5-star-rating author-hendrix-lisa genre-paranormal-historical-romance

Elisabeth Lane

407 reviews136 followers

May 28, 2014

Immortal Champion was my favorite Immortal Brotherhood story yet. I read it in three sittings over the course of two days and that's just because I forced myself to put it down long enough to savor it.

The hero, Gunnar, has been forced into taking the shape of a bull during the day by an evil enchantress, like the rest of his eight friends (including the two who have found love and release from the curse in the previous two books). Heroine Eleanor is a noble lady whose father is determined to marry her off to the man who will best suit his political ambitions. My pleasure in a romance is often dependent on how silly the reasons are for keeping the hero and heroine apart. In this case, the reasons are eminently sensible and yet didn't repeat the plots of the earlier books, which seems like it might be an easy trap to fall into when the heroes all have similar challenges.

The best thing about Immortal Champion and the Immortal Brotherhood series books in general is that nothing here is heavy-handed. I periodically get frustrated with romances because some emotional reactions become predictable and therefore contrived over time. For example, when . This is just one example where Hendrix chooses the less predictable and more believable path, making for not just a thoroughly enjoyable romance, but a thoroughly enjoyable story all around. There is nothing lacking here in characterization, plot or execution.

In addition, the sexy scenes continue to be super hot though perhaps not quite as hot as in Immortal Warrior (OMG! fans self). And the overarching storyline involving continues to unfold in a most intriguing fashion without dominating the books' primary love story. Finally, I have so much respect for Hendrix's handling of the continued march of time. Each book takes place a couple hundred years after the previous book, making for a need for tons of solid research, which she has done and excels in presenting again without letting it dominate the story. It must be challenging after having to do all that work not to put everything she learns in the book!

I'm so enamored of this series. I will be on pins and needles waiting for Immortal Defender, which will be out (in theory) in July!


983 reviews96 followers

January 16, 2011

found Immortal Champion by chance on Amazon under it's freebies list, and am so glad I found it. Every time I think I'm ready to give up on historical romances, along comes a book that changes my mind. In this case it was Immortal Champion that gave me hope that I don't have to break up with this genre after all.

Immortal Champion is book three in the Immortal Brotherhood Series, but can be read as a stand alone. I didn't feel like I missed anything by not reading the first two books in the series.

Gunnar the Red is apart of the a viking crew that was cursed by a witch long ago. The crew found out by chance that only true love can break their curse. Gunnar has long given up on finding his true love-that is until he meets Lady Eleanor de Neville.

Gunnar and the other 8 members of the crew that was cursed by a witch tend to stay by themselves so no one will discover what they are. At sunrise each day, Gunnar is transformed into a beast-and is made human again at sunset. When he rescues Lady Eleanor from a fire, he is forced to break one of his rules and stays the night at the castle because he doesn't want to offend her father-a powerful lord. Lady Eleanor is immediately smitten with him. Gunnar thinks that she is too young, and puts the incident out of his mind.

Years later, they meet up at a tournament of some kind. Lady Eleanor is bethroed to someone else, but finds herself still attracted to Gunnar. Now that she is all grown up, Gunnar finds himself very attracted to Lady Eleanor-but knows they can never be together because of his curse. This is just a gut wrenching novel because of all the missed opportunities that happen between Gunnar and Lady Eleanor, but it's tender at the same time because they never stop thinking about each other. This is what makes Immortal Champion different then other historical romances I've read. The love story manages to stay true to the time period it's in. However, this is also what almost lost me in the story. The two do find their way back to each other, but it happens very late in the story-I would have liked to have seen more of them together. I also would have liked to see the other members of the crew a bit more, and the other characters from previous books involved more. Despite those two things though, I really enjoyed this freebie and look forward to going back and reading the first two books in this series to see what I missed!

    historical-romance paranormal-romance


40 reviews1 follower

December 19, 2010

This is a great love story of a man, Gunnar, and a woman, Eleanor, who defy the odds to claim and protect their love and to LIVE.

A cursed man, Gunnar lives his life of immortality trying to survive and stay undetected. He cannot die, yet, neither can he live the life of a normal man. He tries to keep his curse a secret, yet must expose it to his love to end the curse and become an ordinary man; one who lives a life of love, regret, love, marries, has children and grows old, eventually dying.

Eleanor is a pretty woman. One who has had to bend her will to that of others, especially men. She yearns for the knight who saves her yet has had to move on with her life... or so she thinks...

Gunnar and Eleanor first meet when she was a child, after he saved her life, sweeping her up and running out of death's way. He leaves, yet she awaits his eventual return to her life though she has become betrothed to another. She knows Gunnar to be a true man--courageous, careful, honorable; everything she knows her intended groom is not.

When Gunnar and she cross paths years later, he sweeps her off her feet, again, to save her from harm. Yet, while she immediately recognizes her while he does not recognize her--but she gives him a clue! They continue what was started all those years ago--an uncertain and slightly uneasy friendship of sorts (hero worship on her part) and it soon blossoms into something more, something quite exactly like love. When trouble heads their way in the form of a vengeful sorceress who tries to kill their love, as well as others who would see them torn apart, they find the true meaning of happiness and love. They understand that love must be nurtured, fought for and won. That love must also be lived.

I really liked this book because it is poignant and so very believable. I want to be Eleanor when Gunnar sweeps her off her feet, when he tells her he loves her and when she realizes the love she has for him is true and everlasting. Ok, and also because I want Gunnar. *swoon*

The love that they have for each other bounced off the pages as a living entity. That's what I loved most--the fact that their love was there>. It made me want to be there, to know that love as my own.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a great love story and wants to know what happens next.


779 reviews57 followers

January 18, 2011

Immortal Champion by Lisa Hendrix
Paranormal Romance- Jan 4th, 2011
4 1/2 5 stars

Cursed by an evil sorceress, nine Viking warriors was transformed into their fylgur, their spirit companion. Each warrior was cursed to immortality and to live half the day as a different animal and the other half as human. The only way to break the curse is to find their respective amulet and true love, which is easier said than done.

Six hundred years after his curse, Gunnar the Red still searches for amulet and the woman who will love him despite his curse. By day a red bull, by night a man, he has all but lost hope when he rescues Lady Eleanor from a fire.

Ever since her rescue, Eleanor has been infatuated with the stranger who saved her and then disappeared. When four years pass and there are still no signs that he will come, Eleanor resigns herself to marrying another. But the old Norse gods has other plans, for Gunnar returns. He has totally forgotten the little girl he had saved and does not recognize the beautiful young woman she has become. But the passion she incites gives him hope that perhaps, she can learn to love him and break the curse...

Immortal Champion can be a heart wrenching book to read. Though Gunnar and Eleanor are clearly meant for each other, the road to togetherness is winding and sad at times. Being the daughter of a powerful lord, Eleanor is treated as pawn by her father to gain political favor and wealth. This book reminded me of the movie Tristan and Isolde, a forbidden love that endures even though she marries another. I cringed when Eleanor cried the morning after her wedding night; it was too sad. At the end, even though you know this is a happily-ever-after book, you can’t help but still feel relieved and satisfied when they get back together.

Lisa Hendrix had written a gratifying and unique novel that really makes you feel like you are back in the medieval days minus the historical lectures. A surprisingly touching story, Immortal Champion is a must for readers who love fairy-tale like storiess.

Reviewed by Pauline from Bookaholics Romance Club


Author79 books188 followers

February 16, 2011

Lisa Hendrix’s Immortal Brotherhood series continues with this third book, Immortal Champion, and it’s a fine addition to the lore. Her history is well-researched, and 15th century England comes to vivid life, with intermarried royals, intrigue, the quest for power, and the struggles of a young woman growing up to be used as a pawn. But Eleanor de Neville proves an unwilling pawn, crossing the chess-board at her father’s command, but ever mindful of love that lies waiting in the form of a curious knight.

Eleanor’s beloved is an immortal, condemned to spend his days as animal and only nights as man. Even so, he spends happy nights in the warmth of a castle, winning her heart and eventually her body. But that’s only half the tale; Gunnar would dearly love to win his own body back too, freed from the witch’s curse by an amulet’s power and a woman’s true love, if only he could be sure of both.

Misunderstandings, misleading and misrepresentations might keep the lovers apart, but in Lisa Hendrix’s enchanted world, true love has a power all its own. Bitter winter, bitter thoughts, true joy and faltering hope are all portrayed with vivid and gentle realism in the author’s writing—a story to stir the soul, a sweet love for the spirit, and a touch of mystery to keep the reader eager and longing for more.

Immortal Champion is a fascinating tale in its own right, and another great chapter in a series that blends English history with Norse mythology with modern romance to create something intriguingly timeless and timelessly intriguing, well worth the read.

Disclosure: I bought a signed copy from a local book-signing as soon as this book was released!

    cultural historical paranormal

Christine Bell

Author52 books1,274 followers

March 5, 2011

My first Lisa Hendrix, but NOT my last. I loved this. Not just the story, but the author's writing was just superb. The attention to detail, the blithe way she sprinkled bits of history throughout (which can sometimes feel so heavyhanded to me in historicals, like the author wants you to know just how much she/he learned while researching. It's the equivalent of "Look what I know!", and drives me bananas). NONE of that here. Super sexy love scenes, loved the characters, but I have to say the thing I enjoyed most of all was something much less tangible. She put me there. Wherever there was, she put me there. I love that. As a reader, I'm not big on flowery prose, long descriptions etc. I love long books and world building, but once an author starts on a rant about the architectural structure and look of a turret, my eyes glaze over and I'm skimming. I WANT to care, but I don't. It's like "Yeah, I get it. It's a nice turret." As an author, I forgo lengthy descriptions for concise and punchy. But this was a really masterful walk on the line, where descriptions were visceral and really sucked you into the moment, but they didn't drag on or detract from the action. I found myself stopping in the middle of a paragraph going "Wow, what a great line" as often as I found myself breathless with tension waiting for what happened next. Super happy to have a new author to catch up on while I wait for some of my other favorites to release new work!

Nas Dean

822 reviews39 followers

September 11, 2011

IMMORTAL CHAMPION by author Lisa Hendrix is about a man who lives under a wicked witch's curse.

Sir Gunnar lives life as a man during night time only to turn into a bull as soon as the sun rises.

Gunner is haunted by his solitary existence. He is an honorable, kind and brave man. He saves Lady Eleanor de Neville from a certain death when he goes to the aid of some people trapped in a burning building. At the time she was just a teenaged girl.

Lady Eleanor is unable to forget the incredible Knight who saved her.

Years later the two meet again and this time Eleanor is determined to win Gunner. She is betrothed to a young man but she does not want the marriage. She hopes that Gunner can save her from this fate. Lady Eleanor is bold, she knows she wants the mysterious knight and she sets out ways to snag his attention. She is aware that he has feelings for her. Will she succeed in her quest?

Gunner is enchanted with fair Eleanor and he believes she could be the one to break the spell but it requires a lot of trust on his part. Will Gunnar let himself trust Eleanor?

IMMORTAL CHAMPION is a touching story that will have the reader tearing up at the heartfelt emotion from each of the characters. It is a poignant tale of grief and self-discovery as much as recovery from emotional betrayal.

Maisey Yates

Author1,018 books2,650 followers

November 18, 2010

I was fortunate enough to get my hands on this book early...and I'm glad that I did! The third book in the Immortal Brotherhood series, Immortal Champion is Gunnar the Red's story. By night, Gunnar is a man (and what a man!) and at dawn, he's transformed into a bull.

The book opens with Gunnar saving the life of Eleanor, and from that moment, he becomes her champion. She gives her heart to him, even though she's betrothed to another man. Immortal Champion is about love that survives and grows no matter what the obstacle. Not even magic can kill it.

It's rare that I completely empathize with both hero and heroine for an entire book, but I did with Gunnar and Eleanor. Their motives were always clear, and even when they were making heart wrenching decisions, you knew why they were doing it.

Immortal Champion made me laugh, and cry. It made me want to kill the villains and kiss the hero, then get out of the way so his heroine could kiss him. The book is 324 pages and I managed to finish it in one night, because I just couldn't put it down until I knew that Gunnar and Eleanor were finally together.

Lisa - (Aussie Girl)

1,385 reviews218 followers

May 2, 2014

I love this series, a brilliant combination of historical and paranormal - the premise, a crew of Vikings cursed by an evil witch to roam the Earth either by day or night as their animal totem until they find the woman to break the spell. Each book moves the action forward 100- 150 years and interweaves the magical action with historical people and events of the day. A perfect mix for lovers of historical and paranormals alike.

In Immortal Champion is it the turn of Gunnar the Red, a bull by day and a man by night. The moment he saves Lady Eleanor from a fire Gunnar suspects she is the woman to break his curse, but she is a Neville and related by her Beaufort blood to Henry IV, his Majesty the King and the seeds of the War of the Roses have been sown. Can a humble Sir beat not only an evil curse but the political machinations of the day to claim the woman he loves?

Unfortunately this is the last published book so far in this series and there are still six Vikings whose curse must be broken. The fourth instalment has been promised since 2011 - I really hope Lisa Hendrix starts writing again soon!

    heroes-around-the-world paranormal-historical-steampunk read-in-2014


267 reviews2 followers

May 22, 2011

Following along in the theme with the first two novels, this book is about a Viking warrior who was cursed to roam his days as a great bull. In 600 years, Gunnar was unable to locate his amulet or the woman who would break the curse, until the day he met Eleanor.

I was very pleased with this book, much like I was the first two. I can't say enough good things about it! It was a magnificently written historical romance with a supernatural touch that will please fans of both genres immensely. Lisa Hendrix adds just the right amount of detail to draw you into the story and setting without going overboard. I read long into the night and had a hard time putting the book down to go to sleep, but I finished reading it as soon as I could the following day.

I'm greatly looking forward to the fourth book in the series, and will no doubt devour that one as well!

    romance supernatural


Author7 books9 followers

April 27, 2011

A fun idea for a series made all the better by Hendrix's well-paced, tender writing. Each book focuses on how one of the men succeeds in destroying the curse over his head, but tidbits are shared about the other men in the band - now I'm looking forward not only to the next book, but the last one in the series, which I'm guessing will be about the seer in the band of men.

Backstory is deftly woven throughout the book, and I was doubly interested, since I happened to fall on the one book in the series that takes place in the time of my own novel (15th Century). If I had to make one criticism, it's that the events at the ending felt a bit rushed; I'd have enjoyed even more chapters about the plot to get the best of Eleanor's father, and the epilogue.

Of course, who doesn't want the sweet parts of a romance to continue?


981 reviews37 followers

February 18, 2011

Ahhhhh, Gunnar! Gunnar will make you melt. Now here's a REAL man. (Well, a man AND a bull, but let's not be particular.) But about the book.... I absolutely love paranormal historical romances, and this is definitely one of THE best series there is. The mythology is fascinating, and Hendrix has given us a great variety of heroes and heroines so far. Gunnar and Lady Eleanor have got to be one of my favorite romance couples ever. They so belong together, but it seems destiny conspires to keep them apart. You know there will be a HEA, but oh, what they have to go through to get it! If you haven't picked up this series, I suggest you do, and start from the beginning - you won't won't to miss a word.



172 reviews16 followers

November 3, 2011

As a historical novel, it was well-written. The plot matched itself to historical facts, the characters mostly acted believably for their time period, and the writing style itself was good.

As a paranormal novel, I felt bored. There was a sub-plot with a witch that in a different novel might have led to some exciting action, but she was irrelevant throughout most of the novel, and by the time she appeared at the end, everything had been settled so perfectly, that I didn't give half a thought to wondering if maybe something might go wrong. Perhaps I judge the paranormal part too harshly because I am used to reading urban fantasy which tends to have a more upbeat pace, intricate plots, and dangerous villains.

    fantasy historical romance


1,356 reviews14 followers

December 23, 2010

Lisa Hendrix has done it again!

Gunnar's story is different from the other books in that it takes place over a course of years rather than weeks. It's sadder, too, when you consider what those years mean to Gunnar and Eleanor. But sometimes that heartache we feel is made so much sweeter when love finds a way to triumph over evil (aka Cwen and her horribleness).

I really liked Eleanor and her spunk and how she was a bit of a hussy. She made me laugh, which always makes the reading experience that much better. Her and Gunnar together are adorable. I'm pretty sure I sighed a couple times.

And I can't wait for the next book as it looks like it will be about Torvalt. Woo-hoo!

    adult galley

Beverly Diehl

Author5 books73 followers

October 6, 2011

My fav of the series (so far, am so impatient for the next one). Eleanor is probably one of the strongest heroines in the series, as her love for Gunnar is tested over a period of years. He truly has one of the sweetest characters of our heroes to date, and charming to boot. Loved the scene at the tournament when he bows to the ladies.

The challenges that keep these two apart make it all the better when they come together in the end. There are twists and turns and complications I did not expect - plus a lovely peek at future heroes to come.

I really loved this book and was sad when it ended (so I read it again).

    historical-fiction paranormal romance-romantic-elements


510 reviews27 followers

January 13, 2011

I haven't read too many historical romances, and sometimes it's hard to switch from really fast paced urban fantasy to the more laid back style of a historical. With Immortal Champion, I felt that way for the first few chapters and then I started appreciating the humor, the locations, and the dialog. This is also the first book in the series, and there were a lot of details to soak up at first. I thought the twists at the end were fabulous, and I loved how smart and spunky the heroine ended up being.

Elizabeth Nesbit-comer

696 reviews8 followers

June 20, 2013

The writing in this book is good, but the whole cursed man who spends his days grazing as a bull made me giggle. Also, there were a few too many convenient encounters. When his brothers saw her being kidnapped I just sighed. Seriously, they must live on a very tiny planet considering that him and his animal brother spend their time supposedly traveling far distances so the local folks don't notice their lack of aging and yet every time this damsel is in distress they just happen to come across each other.....


105 reviews37 followers

November 21, 2011

This was a great story. I will be picking up the other books in the series. Lisa was a new author to me, but I will be reading more of her books. Gunnar the Red's story of a life lived half the time as a bull and the other half a human was wonderfully written. My heart was breaking for both Gunnar and Eleanor. I was hooked from the beginning and couldn't put it down until it was finished. It's an amazing story of a man, a woman and love.


1,931 reviews46 followers

September 17, 2011

I read the 1st book in the Immortal Brotherhood series and I was not impressed. Sadly, I still am not. The summary on the back of the book really made me want to read this book. The storyline was basically the same premise of the other book. The main male lead goes between being an animal/mammal and a man. That premise is fine but, the story doesn't really push the plot forward. The romance was so-so. I will probably will not pursue the brotherhood any time soon.


391 reviews16 followers

February 16, 2011

I would rate this 3.5 if I could. I enjoyed this book. The history was a bit confusing, but that was my own fault--the author did a great job with it. I am sure it was challenge for her to do the research and fit the story to it. I liked the characters and will probably read more of this series.


269 reviews9 followers

June 18, 2012

I'm always on the look out for historical paranormal romances so when I saw this at the library I scooped it up. It's not an era I'm particularly interested in but there was just enough history to make it realistic without being overbearing. The characters were three-dimensional and easily relatable for the most part. All in all a very solid read.

Immortal Champion (Immortal Brotherhood, #3) (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.