Warthunder Userskins (2024)

1. WT Live // Best camouflages for the past week

  • Akamywek · ItssLuBu · Avrora_CL · 朝比奈晴

  • Suitable for ages 12 and older

2. Custom skins - War Thunder Wiki

  • 19 apr 2024 · Using the "Create Camouflage Example" function in the customization menu and finding these files in the UserSkins folder in the root of the game ...

  • If you are bored with the look of your favorite vehicles and the available in-game camouflages are not quite right for your vehicle - a custom camouflage can be a good solution to creating a unique look for your vehicle.

3. WT Live // Camouflage by __StrafeMike__

WT Live // Camouflage by __StrafeMike__

4. WT Live // Camouflage by CmdNomad

  • For the new version i used the 3d model from the CDK, optimized in 3dsMax, then exported it to Substance Painter to apply the Camo. The Decals were drawn and ...

  • #warthunder #live_wt #workshop (Historical) T-90A Vladimir of 38th Research Institute in Kubinka shown on Tanker\'s Day celebration as \

WT Live // Camouflage by CmdNomad

5. War Thunder Nexus - Mods, Skins, Addons and Community

  • You can easily apply it to the P-38G by simply replacing the UserSkins TGA files for the P-38G with the TGAs from this download and renaming them correctly.

  • Browse 983 mods for War Thunder at Nexus Mods

War Thunder Nexus - Mods, Skins, Addons and Community

6. User skins being visible to all - War Thunder Forum

  • 11 jul 2023 · Basically, you can choose to show your user skin through a setting in the User skins section and choose to see User skins through Game settings.

  • I think War Thunder user skins should be visible to all players (and you can report bad user skins) Basically, you can choose to show your user skin through a setting in the User skins section and choose to see User skins through Game settings. How this would be done is you would temporarily download the User’s skin through a temporary file on the server and then display that skin in game! So, on match launch the client would upload the skin to the server aswell. Does anyone think this is a g...

User skins being visible to all - War Thunder Forum

7. War Thunder skins: the best user-created camouflages for your ...

  • 8 feb 2017 · You'll then need to locate the War Thunder skin you downloaded and drop it into the UserSkins folder of the War Thunder main folder. If you ...

  • This post is created in partnership with Gaijin Entertainment.War is gritty, unglamorous and often a shade of olive or grey - that’s why some bright spark invented War Thunder skins: to ensure you don’t have to roll or fly into combat looking washed out and dreary. War Thunder skins work much di

War Thunder skins: the best user-created camouflages for your ...

8. War Thunder skins: the best user skins - Wargamer

  • 5 okt 2021 · War Thunder Skins for Tanks · Daimler AC MK II Desert · Leclerc – Saintblade · Pz.Kpfw Ersatz M10 · Zebra Stripe · T-34-57 1941: Polish Winter ...

  • Add some personal flair to your aviation, tanks, and fleet with the coolest War Thunder skins around

War Thunder skins: the best user skins - Wargamer

9. WT Live // Camouflage by murabito_N_

  • ... Warthunder/UserSkins Folder. 0 34. 14. Sieben9Zwo · Added camouflage - 10 Jul 2023. Edit post. Share. Report this post. Delete. Historical 2-tone camouflage - ...

  • #warthunder #live_wt #workshop Camouflage that mimics the US-2 for H6K4. Damage skin filled. This is DDS file. Camouflage size : 2048 × 2048

WT Live // Camouflage by murabito_N_

10. WT Live // Camouflage by Badass_Jellykin

  • ... warthunder.com/post/717331/en/). This still usew a combination of .dds ... War Thunder\UserSkins launcher : Program Files (x86)\War Thunder\UserSkins. 0 ...

  • #warthunder #live_wt #workshop Challenger 1 Mk 3, \

WT Live // Camouflage by Badass_Jellykin
Warthunder Userskins (2024)


Are user skins allowed in War Thunder? ›

You can always find interesting camouflages on the War Thunder LIVE or create your own. Custom camouflage will be set locally which means it is only visible to the player creating it themselves.

Where is the War Thunder skin folder? ›

Go to your War thunder game folder, once in the folder you should see UserSkin folder, in that folder you should see the folder named after the aircraft you picked to create skin. 5. Once in the aircraft folder you should see 6 files, the files vary by new model and damaged model of the aircraft.

What can you get banned for in War Thunder? ›

These War Thunder specific rules expressly prohibit causing damage to teammates or so-called “friendly fire” in a Game, including, without limitation, the following actions: inflicting damage to teammates' vehicles or any of their parts, destroying teammates' vehicles or any of its parts, disorienting teammates.

Can you get banned for team killing War Thunder? ›

Also, damaging allies by shooting or ramming is also now taken into account. So deliberate shooting at teammates may result in a kick from the session and ban from 1 to 7 days, depending on the situation. The system will try to determine and identify only unsportsmanship behaviour.

What is War Thunder CDK? ›

War Thunder CDK (Content Development Kit) is a tool kit for creating different user content available to any player. When installed to the game folder, the CDK enables editing or creation of new unique missions and locations, and also helps in the creation of game models.

How to see other people's decals in War Thunder? ›

For players who actively use decals, the option “Show decals on other player vehicles” is automatically toggled to “Yes”. For high-level players who do not actively use decals, a pop-up window will be shown when opening the game, asking to enable the option.

Can I sell in War Thunder? ›

The Marketplace is a place where players can buy and sell items between each other in War Thunder, and CRSED: F.O.A.D. Payments on the Market are made with a special in-game currency – Gaijin Coins.

Can you gift War Thunder? ›

War Thunder has an in-game wishlist, through which the players can send gifts to their friends. The gifts can be sent or received via the wishlist under the following conditions: All other conditions on sending and receiving gifts have been met.

Can you buy Warbonds War Thunder? ›

The Warbond shop is available to players that have vehicles of Rank III and higher and is part of the Battle Pass. You can purchase items with special “Warbond” currency that can be obtained by unlocking Battle Pass levels.

How to download user skins in War Thunder? ›

now leave the game and open a browser. go to War Thunder live, select the camouflage tab. in the search bar, type the name of the vehicle you're interested in. select the skin you want. download the skin.

Can other players see your custom skins in War Thunder? ›

They removed the ability for other players to see your custom skin to prevent people from abusing it, since making your tank so bright that it's impossible to look at it or making your plane entirely invisible is not fair in the slightest.

Where is the War Thunder marketplace? ›

Getting to the Market

You can open the Market page from the hangar interface by following the path “Store” → “Market” or by opening its page directly in your browser at https://trade.gaijin.net/ You can use the email address and password you use to log into War Thunder to log into the Market.

Are custom skins in War Thunder visible to other players? ›

no, its local so only you and no one else under all circ*mstances.

What are the restrictions on War Thunder free to play? ›

You are free to download and play the game right away without any restrictions or subscription fees. Can I play the game offline? No, you need a permanent internet connection in order to play War Thunder. You can choose the server that suits you best (Russia, Europe, America, Asia) in the game mode selection menu.

Can you gift stuff in War Thunder? ›

Sending gifts from the wishlist is available only when playing the game via the War Thunder launcher. Gifting through the wishlist is not available in the Steam version of the game.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.